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Saturday, 24 September 2011

Speak Asia News 24/09/2011

Speak Asia News 24 September 2011
News 1 :- Important Update For Speak Asians

Dear Panelist,
This is just to update and inform everybody that whatever information that you get on this website is authentic and all the recent updates come directly from the company management, so we are requesting all the SAOL family members not to believe any fake news or update. To our surprise that somebody has forged company’s letterhead and trying to misguide our family members, so we request you all not to get influenced by all this and not to believe. is company’s official blogging site through which you get all the recent update from the company management directly.
SpeakAsia Corporate Marketing Team
News Source :- Speak Asia Online Marketing

News 2 :- (a) Tarak Bajpai Can Be Arrested By Andhra Pradesh CID

Tarak Bajpai Can Be Arrested By Andhra Pradesh CID
Mr. Tarak Can be Arrested after Tarak Bajpai Bail Rejected By Vijaywada Sessions Court .
As On 21 September 2011 , Wednesday, the Vijayawada Sessions Court denied bail to two prime accused in the case including Chief Operation Officer Tarak Bajpai and Speak Asia Rewards in charge Rajeev Mehrotra.

Their is Difference between the Case Filed By EOW Mumbai and Andhra Pardesh CID .
In Case of EOW Mumbai is Investigating But in case Andhra Pardesh the arrested peoples are Franchises of Speak Asia from their account money was transfered and As Mr. Tarak Bajpai is COO Speak Asia Online and Only Person From Speak Asia Management so his Direct Direct involvement with the Case so it Very Sure thing that Andhra Pradesh CID Will Soon Come to Prisoner Custody.

On 9th of September Black Friday :4 Accuseds was Taken By Andhra CID To Vijayawada - Hyderbad :
Ravi Khanna, director of Seamless Outsourcing,
Sheikh Rayees, a technical officer who was dealing with Speak Asia website,
Dipankar, distributor-cum-franchisee of the firm Kritanj Management and Allied Services, Raipur,
and Rahul Shah, vice-president of Tulsiyat Technologies Limited.

Speak Asia 4 Officials in Andhra Pardesh in Judicial Custody 

Remains 2 Mumbai People
But Mr. Tarak Bajpai on 9th September is in Hospital after operation . At that time Andhra Pardesh CID Says " Once he ( Tarak ) recovers, we will bring him to Hyderabad,”

Mr. Tarak and Mr. Rajiv  was In Mumbai Till 23 September 6:00 PM 

Just Some Hours Before we ( ) We Have Get  Updates of of 21 September what Happens after the Court . In The Court of 21 September 2011 .
Honourable Metropolitan Sessions Judge R Murali rejected the anticipatory bail petition filed by the speakasianoline Chief Operating Officer, Mr Tarak Bajpai, Director Mr Rajiv Malhotra, and three others Mr Charan Kumar, Mr Prem Kumar and Mr Mohiuddin after they filed the petitions in order to avoid  the imminent arrest by the AP CID, according to investigating officer of CID, Mr Sarath.

CID Andhra Pradesh CID Officers Told :  Speak Asia Online Accused submitted their petitions for anticipatory bail in the Andhra Pradesh High Court to avoid arrest by the CID of AP.

The CID is likely to oppose the anticipatory bail petition in the High Court.

Investigation Team Officer Said that they are Soon Go to Mumbai to Take Custody of Mr. Tarak Bajpai and  Rajeev Mehrotra.

We ( ) are Not Saying that Mr. Tarak Bajpai and Rajeev Mehrotra has Been Arrested But Andhra Pradesh CID already have intimate that They can come soon to mumbai to Arrest them.

A case has been registered against the four under Sections 120 B and 420 of IPC and Section 4, 5 and 6 of the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Scheme (Banning) Act, 1978. Read : Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes Banning Act 1978

Case Number is Crime Investigation Department, 
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, 
Lr C.No.2650/C13/CID/2011, dt.05-08-2011.

As Mr. tarak is Follower of Sai Baba which Worship Day is Thursday but it Mr. Tarak Bad Luck that on Fridays are Black Friday For Him.

Mr. Tarak Bajpai Life Black Fridays
1st Black Friday : Speak Asia Tarak Bajpai Arrested 29 July 2011
2nd Black Friday : When Andhra Pradesh CID  Comes to Mumbai to Arrest him : Speak Asia 4 Officials Taken By Andhra Pardesh CID to Hyderabad but on that Day he was in Recovering Stage After Operation so AP CID don't Take Him.
 Now Don't Know Which Black Friday Will Give More Tensions For Him.

(b) Delhi Supreme Court PIL - Writ Petion Civil 383 2011

Delhi Supreme Court PIL Writ Petion Civil 383 2011 23-September-2011
One PIL which was Submitted  By 115 Panelists From Delhi and NCR in Supreme Court of India On which Supreme court has asked Both Speak Asia Online , HAREN VENTURES PTE. LTD V/S. Finance Ministry and RBI on that .

On 20th September 2011 Some Reserve Bank of India Officials Meet  Speak Asia Representatives.
This News was Brod casted on 21 September 2011on Aaj Tak. RBI Submit Their Report in 2 Weeks AajTak News
RBI is Only Seeing Whether They Can Transfer Money Indian Banks  or Not and Will Make a Report for Delhi PIL .

23 September Hearing Delhi PIL 2011 

Writ Petion Civil 383 2011 SoloMon James & Ors VS Union of India 23_September_2011

SOLOMON JEMES & & ORS  WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 383 of 2011 " Supreme Court of India  " Filled on 9 September, 2011 its Hearing will Be Now on 
Delhi PIL Hearing : 10 October 2011
( If Delhi Judgment Comes in Favour of Speak Asia then Peoples who wants Exit Option RBI can Give Permission For Opening an Account and Money Transfered " AS DELHI PIL DEMANDS ")

On 21 September 2011 Their was 1 More PIL Which is Submitted AISPA  in Mumbai High Court on that Day but Justice Ranjana Desaiwas transferred to the new court. So the New Judge wants 21 Days Time.
Due to the upcoming Puja Holidays the case is now adjourned to 12th October, 2011 which again is a good date as it will now be heard after the Supreme Court matter which is slated for 10th October, 2011.
See the Court Link :AISPA -  PILL/51/2011
 Mumbai PIL Hearing : 12 October 2011
( If  Mumbai Judgment Comes in Favour of Speak Asia then Peoples Get a Clean Chit From EOW Mumbai  " AS Mumbai PIL DEMANDS ")

Starting the Speak Asia Business in India is More Complicating Question .
If EOW Mumbai Give a Clean Chit to Speak Then Speak Asians Can Do Speak Asia Login

News Source :- Speak Asia Fraud Or Genuine
Speak Asia News 24x7 Dated :- 24 September 2011