Speak Asia News 25 September 2011
News 1 :- Speak Asia Online Pte Ltd Cases in Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad
In Andhra Pardesh Speak Asia Franchise Arrest was a Big Case Having Proof as Money was Transfered from Franchise accounts to Speak Asia Bank Accounts in Singapore and Other Countries .
A FIR was Filed By Sri M.V.Syam Sundar Secretary of Corporate Frauds Watch Society Vijayawada
under Indian Penal Court Section ( IPC-420 ) - As For InformationSection 420 is For Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property in CID Police Police Station on 21 June 2011 which FIR Number is 30/2011.
Direct Link :
On 25th June Saturday , the Vijaywada unit of the CID conducted a surprise check under the supervision of deputy superintendent, YV Ramana Kumar, on the residence of Mr. Reddy and Mr Swamy.
On 26th of June Sunday News Headlines : CID Arrested 2 franchisees Andhra Pradesh 26 June 2011
in this name which News come as Arrest D Srinivasa Reddy and L V A Swamy
On this Speak Asians React by Laugh The Peoples Arrested By Andhra Pardesh CID is Not our franchise in Vijaywada .
But we ( Speak-Asia-Fraud.blogspot.com ) seen the FIR and Case which is Registered Against Speak Asia By Andhra Police in that The Arrested Person Name is : Charan Kumar who is A authorized representative Mr. Charan Kumar, Regional Manager, R/o Plot No. 74, Flat No. 301, Sri Balaji Residency, Motinagar, Hyderabad-11 has Been Arrested .
The Andhra Pradesh police had registered a case under Section 420 (cheating) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Sections 4, 5 and 6, read with Section 2(c), 3 of the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes Banning Act 1978
In This Speak Asia Franchise bank accounts frozen having an amount of over Rs130 Crore.
On This Speak Asia Online Pte.Ltd. React to Get Relief For More Arrests of Speak Asia Management Peoples By Andhra Pardesh Police and Getting the Money which was Frozen By Them
A Petition was Filled in Court
This case was Filed and Judicature of Andhra Pardesh at Hyderbad Wednesday 13 July 2011 Interim stay of arrest of officials/ employees belonging to Speak Asia Company But CID can Investigate Further .
Judicature of Andhra Pardesh at Hyderabad Page1
Judicature of Andhra Pardesh at Hyderabad Page2
On 12th September : Speak Asia Advertisements Ban in Andhra Pardesh
On 21 September 2011, Wednesday, the Vijayawada Sessions Court denied bail to two prime accused in the case including Chief Operation Officer Tarak Bajpai and Speak Asia Rewards in charge Rajeev Mehrotra. Full News, : Tarak Bajpai Bail Rejected By Vijaywada Sessions Court
Means The Chances of Speak Asia COO . Tarak Bajpai Can Be Arrested By Andhra Pradesh CID
Mr. Tarak Bajpai and RAJIV MEHROTRA place an Important Role in Starting Business of Speak Asia Online Pte. Ltd In India .So Both have filed for grant anticipatory bail arrest in connection with FIR Crime No. 30 of 2011 dated 21-06-2011 on the file of the Station House Officer, CID, Hyderabad
Mr Tarak Bajapi For His AntiSpretry Bail Filed a Case Number :
Direct Link :
Mr RAJIV MEHROTRA For His AntiSpretry Bail Filed a Case Number :
Direct Link :
We ( Speak-Asia-Fraud.blogspot.com ) are collecting News on Speak Asia Peoples Mr Charan Kumar, Mr Prem Kumar and Mr Mohiuddin .
This Article we made In Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad Cases Against Speak Asia Online Pte. Ltd.
News Source :- Speak Asia Fraud Or Genuine
News 2 :- SpeakAsia 24 September News Update 2011
Exit option can be seen as 3 step process:-
1. People fill the data and submit to EXIT the subscription
2. SAOL verifies the data through their Database and sends confirmation email on registered email id.
3. After confirmation, process of refund starts and money is sent to bank accounts.
Step 2 and 3 are dependent on server and bank accounts. For this company is waiting for EOW and RBI permission respectively. But to do things in time, they have started the step 1. This again shows the intention of the company to stay and do business in India.
News Source :- Speak Asia Mobi-Club
News 4 :- (a) स्पीक एशिया: मकर सक्रांति के बाद फिर से दोढ़ेगी- ज्योतिश्चार्य मोरवालमेने ये जानकारिया अपने पूजनीय पिताजी श्री आर एल मोरवाल, जो एक अछे ज्योतिश्चार्य है, उनसे प्राप्त की है. उनका कहना है की नवम्बर माह के दुसरे पक्ष में स्पीक एशिया के ऊपर से बदनामी के मंडराएं बादल छटने लगेंगे और पहले के तरह से काम काज शुरू होने लगेगा. इस दौरान कुछ दिक्कते भी आयेंगी लेकिन वो आयेंगी और जाएँगी. कुछ आपसी मतभेद भी उत्पन हो सकते है.लेकिन दिसम्बर माह के आते आते ये बादल छट जायेंगे और काम काज धीमी गति से शुरू हो जायेगा. परन्तु मकर सक्रांति के पश्चात् स्पीक एशिया का कार्य उसी गति तो प्राप्त कर लेगा जो गयारह मई २०११ से पहले थी.
आपका शुभ चिन्तक
कुक्कू मोरवाल
(b) स्पीक एशिया: मैनेजमेंट ने बोला सिर्फ हमारी सुनो, हमारी मानो, हमें ही जानोजब जांच शुरू हुई तब भी सरकार को ऐसे समझा रहे थे, मानो ये ही सर्वज्ञाता है, जांच ऐजेन्सियों में बैठे लोग बेवकूफ हैं। हैदराबाद हाईकोर्ट का स्टे आर्डर मुम्बई क्राइम ब्रांच पर एप्लीकेबल कर रहे थे। शायद ये जानते ही नहीं थे कि दोनों राज्य अलग हैं, पुलिस अलग है, व्यवस्था अलग है। स्पीक एशिया मैनेजमेंट हमेशा लोगों से कहता रहा कि सब ठीक है, सब ठीक है और लगातार गहरी खाई में धंसता जा रहा है।
News 1 :- Speak Asia Online Pte Ltd Cases in Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad
Speak Asia Online Pte Ltd Cases in Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad |
A FIR was Filed By Sri M.V.Syam Sundar Secretary of Corporate Frauds Watch Society Vijayawada
under Indian Penal Court Section ( IPC-420 ) - As For InformationSection 420 is For Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property in CID Police Police Station on 21 June 2011 which FIR Number is 30/2011.
Andhra Pradesh Police Department FIR 30/2011 By M V Syam Sundar |
On 25th June Saturday , the Vijaywada unit of the CID conducted a surprise check under the supervision of deputy superintendent, YV Ramana Kumar, on the residence of Mr. Reddy and Mr Swamy.
On 26th of June Sunday News Headlines : CID Arrested 2 franchisees Andhra Pradesh 26 June 2011
in this name which News come as Arrest D Srinivasa Reddy and L V A Swamy
On this Speak Asians React by Laugh The Peoples Arrested By Andhra Pardesh CID is Not our franchise in Vijaywada .
But we ( Speak-Asia-Fraud.blogspot.com ) seen the FIR and Case which is Registered Against Speak Asia By Andhra Police in that The Arrested Person Name is : Charan Kumar who is A authorized representative Mr. Charan Kumar, Regional Manager, R/o Plot No. 74, Flat No. 301, Sri Balaji Residency, Motinagar, Hyderabad-11 has Been Arrested .
The Andhra Pradesh police had registered a case under Section 420 (cheating) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Sections 4, 5 and 6, read with Section 2(c), 3 of the Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes Banning Act 1978
In This Speak Asia Franchise bank accounts frozen having an amount of over Rs130 Crore.
On This Speak Asia Online Pte.Ltd. React to Get Relief For More Arrests of Speak Asia Management Peoples By Andhra Pardesh Police and Getting the Money which was Frozen By Them
A Petition was Filled in Court
Speak Asia Pop Up 25 July 2011This case was Filed and Judicature of Andhra Pardesh at Hyderbad Wednesday 13 July 2011 Interim stay of arrest of officials/ employees belonging to Speak Asia Company But CID can Investigate Further .
Judicature of Andhra Pardesh at Hyderabad Page1
Judicature of Andhra Pardesh at Hyderabad Page2
On 30 August 2011 : CID Andhra Pradesh Wins the Case Against Speak Asia Court Disposed in the Court which means Now Andhra Pardesh CID can Arrest Speak Asia Management Peoples and Other Peoples Related to this Case.
In August 1 More Case which was Filed By Mr. Navneet Khosla on Speak Asia Online Pte Ltd. on the EOW Mumbai have already ArrestedSpeak Asia Tarak Bajpai Arrested 29 July 2011
Tarak Bajpai & Top Officials in Judicial custody till 4 Aug 2011
In Starting 4 Arrest was Done name :
Tarak Bajpai Age 36 COO Speak Asia Management
Rajeev Mehrotra Age 50 - Technical Head of the Portal
Shaikh Rais Latif Age 32 - Assistant for daily portal operations and in-charge of regular pop-ups.
Ravi Janakraj Khanna Age 44 - Finance Accountant
On 29th July after these Arrest :
Speak Asia Panelist Have Shown Their Anger by the Way of Different Way From All Over India to Prove
their Point. In this Speak Asia Support hundreds of peoples from Every States has do their Efforts all Want to Say One thing " Speak Asia is Genuine ".
We ( Speak-Asia-Fraud.blogspot.com ) have Written Articles on Speak Asia Panelist Working in a Article by Us : Read SpeakAsia Virodh Padarshan For Tarak Bajpai From 29 July
After That EOW Mumbai in His Investigation Arrest Some More Person Related to Speak Asia .
5th is Dipankar Sarkar , 1st Joiner of Speak Asia Online in India . The Person is From Real Estate Field .
Distributor-cum-franchisee of the firm Kritanj Management and Allied Services, Raipur,
6th is Rahul Shah - Vice President of Tulsient Information System Pvt Ltd ( He Runs a BPO for Speak Asia Financial Affairs . Read :Mumbai EOW Arrest Rahul Shah in Speak Asia Case - 12 August 2011
On 9th September 2011 : Speak Asia 4 Officials Taken By Andhra Pradesh CID to Hyderabad
When Andhra Pradesh Officials Come to Mumbai : They Said Mr.Tarak Bajpai is presently recuperating in a hospital after undergoing an operation.
“Once he recovers, we will bring him to Hyderabad,”
On 11th September News Come : Speak Asia 4 Officials in Andhra Pradesh in Judicial Custody
Shaikh Rais Latif ,Ravi Janakraj Khanna,Dipankar Sarkar and Rahul Shah .. All 4 accused in the speakasiaonline fraud to the judicial remand upto September 23, 2011.
In August 1 More Case which was Filed By Mr. Navneet Khosla on Speak Asia Online Pte Ltd. on the EOW Mumbai have already ArrestedSpeak Asia Tarak Bajpai Arrested 29 July 2011
Tarak Bajpai & Top Officials in Judicial custody till 4 Aug 2011
In Starting 4 Arrest was Done name :
Tarak Bajpai Age 36 COO Speak Asia Management
Rajeev Mehrotra Age 50 - Technical Head of the Portal
Shaikh Rais Latif Age 32 - Assistant for daily portal operations and in-charge of regular pop-ups.
Ravi Janakraj Khanna Age 44 - Finance Accountant
On 29th July after these Arrest :
Speak Asia Panelist Have Shown Their Anger by the Way of Different Way From All Over India to Prove
their Point. In this Speak Asia Support hundreds of peoples from Every States has do their Efforts all Want to Say One thing " Speak Asia is Genuine ".
We ( Speak-Asia-Fraud.blogspot.com ) have Written Articles on Speak Asia Panelist Working in a Article by Us : Read SpeakAsia Virodh Padarshan For Tarak Bajpai From 29 July
After That EOW Mumbai in His Investigation Arrest Some More Person Related to Speak Asia .
5th is Dipankar Sarkar , 1st Joiner of Speak Asia Online in India . The Person is From Real Estate Field .
Distributor-cum-franchisee of the firm Kritanj Management and Allied Services, Raipur,
6th is Rahul Shah - Vice President of Tulsient Information System Pvt Ltd ( He Runs a BPO for Speak Asia Financial Affairs . Read :Mumbai EOW Arrest Rahul Shah in Speak Asia Case - 12 August 2011
On 9th September 2011 : Speak Asia 4 Officials Taken By Andhra Pradesh CID to Hyderabad
When Andhra Pradesh Officials Come to Mumbai : They Said Mr.Tarak Bajpai is presently recuperating in a hospital after undergoing an operation.
“Once he recovers, we will bring him to Hyderabad,”
On 11th September News Come : Speak Asia 4 Officials in Andhra Pradesh in Judicial Custody
Shaikh Rais Latif ,Ravi Janakraj Khanna,Dipankar Sarkar and Rahul Shah .. All 4 accused in the speakasiaonline fraud to the judicial remand upto September 23, 2011.
On 12th September : Speak Asia Advertisements Ban in Andhra Pardesh
On 21 September 2011, Wednesday, the Vijayawada Sessions Court denied bail to two prime accused in the case including Chief Operation Officer Tarak Bajpai and Speak Asia Rewards in charge Rajeev Mehrotra. Full News, : Tarak Bajpai Bail Rejected By Vijaywada Sessions Court
Means The Chances of Speak Asia COO . Tarak Bajpai Can Be Arrested By Andhra Pradesh CID
Mr. Tarak Bajpai and RAJIV MEHROTRA place an Important Role in Starting Business of Speak Asia Online Pte. Ltd In India .So Both have filed for grant anticipatory bail arrest in connection with FIR Crime No. 30 of 2011 dated 21-06-2011 on the file of the Station House Officer, CID, Hyderabad
Mr Tarak Bajapi For His AntiSpretry Bail Filed a Case Number :
CRLP 8958 / 2011 |
CRLP-8958-2011-Tarak-Bajapi |
Direct Link :
Mr RAJIV MEHROTRA For His AntiSpretry Bail Filed a Case Number :
CRLP 8957 2011 Rajiv Mehrotra |
Direct Link :
Both The AntiSpretry Bail is Filed 22-09-2011 having LISTING DATE : 30-09-2011We ( Speak-Asia-Fraud.blogspot.com ) are collecting News on Speak Asia Peoples Mr Charan Kumar, Mr Prem Kumar and Mr Mohiuddin .
This Article we made In Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad Cases Against Speak Asia Online Pte. Ltd.
News Source :- Speak Asia Fraud Or Genuine
News 2 :- SpeakAsia 24 September News Update 2011
Good Evening Speakasians,
First of all let me profusely THANK all the panelists who have offered their heartfelt condolences to me in this sad moment.
My family joins me in thanking each one of you personally for the kind words; we acknowledge your love and concern.
The news that the company officials have set up an official E mail (corcom@speakasiamarketing.com) dedicated to answer the queries of the panelists has been received very well by the panelist family. I urge all the panelists to use this important forum to air genuine concerns and for important queries and not flood the E mail with questions like when payout will start or when the website will be functional etc.
I once again wish to place on record that nobody can give a time frame to such things especially when the matter is sub-judice. The company is moving all fronts to see a quick solution of the problem and a fast normalization of the company activities.
We all have read the press note of 19th September, 2011 posted on the company’s official BlogSpot how the much awaited meeting with the RBI took place and how the high ranking committee gave the company representatives a patient hearing. These are small steps but then great achievements have always been started with small steps don’t we remember Neil Armstrong’s (first man on the moon) famous words
"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
In India we always look up for divine intervention and conduct puja’s and havan’s to invoke the blessings of lord almighty. Panelists from Mathura have sent me this mail which is self explanatory:
जैसा की हम सभी जानते है हमारी कंपनी बुरे वक़्त से गुजर रही है इसलिए हम मथुरा के एक प्रतिष्ठित पंडित श्री दाऊ दयाल जी से मिले उन्होंने हमें कंपनी की मोजुदा परिस्थिति के बारे में बताया उन्होंने कहा कि कंपनी के ऊपर शनि चल रहा है और wo 15 नवम्बर तक रहेगा उसके बाद स्पीक एशिया के बहुत ही अच्छे दिन आयेंगे लेकिन agar शनि देव कि शांति के लिए एक पूजा rakhwayi jaye तो शनि देव प्रसन्न होकर स्पीक एशिया के लिए ज्यादा नुकसान नहीं होने देंगे तो हम कुछ पनेलिस्ट मिलकर यहाँ के ( मथुरा ) एक प्राचीन मदिर कोकिला वन शनि देव मदिर में शनि शांति पूजा रखवा रहे है chunki अभी कनागत चल रहे है तो पूजा १ अक्टूबर shaniwar को kar रहे है jaha हम vidhivat पूजा karne के बाद gareebon को khana और prashad vitran karenge और स्पीक एशिया की jaldi wapsi के लिए prarthna karenge.
I on behalf of the Ourcommittee and the entire speakasia panelist family thank the Mathura group for having taken this holy initiative to help us overcome these difficult times.
In a war like situation we know the enemy tries to infiltrate into our midst and tries to spread rumors and carnage to somehow create an atmosphere of disbelief and panic. The enemy has understood that it is the rock solid resolve and the unconditional support of the panelists which has motivated the company to fight against all odds to restart and normalize the operations as swiftly as possible.
This attempt of the enemy was evident by their foolish and desperate attempt to spread a blatant lie by way of a forged document ( ref http://speakasiaonlinemarketing.blogspot.com/ important update dated 23rd September, 2011) which had been doctored and maliciously authored to spread a blatant lie, forgetting that he (the enemy) is trying to address a family of educated and intelligent panelists who pride in being called empowered consumers, Sir, (whoever you are) we Speakasians are made of sterner stuff you will have to think up more genuine ideas if you even have an iota of hope to spread rumors and divide this strongly knit family.
SAOL is no longer a revenue generating module for us Speakasians; it has now become our identity
”I am Speakasia… Speakasia is me”
Speakasians, have patience, have faith, and trust your company.
Remember in the final analysis VICTORY WILL BE OURS.
Proud to be a speakasian
Jai Speakasia
News Source :- Speak Asia Association
News 3 :- Exit Option shows the intention of the company to stay and do business in India
Exit option can be seen as 3 step process:-
1. People fill the data and submit to EXIT the subscription
2. SAOL verifies the data through their Database and sends confirmation email on registered email id.
3. After confirmation, process of refund starts and money is sent to bank accounts.
Step 2 and 3 are dependent on server and bank accounts. For this company is waiting for EOW and RBI permission respectively. But to do things in time, they have started the step 1. This again shows the intention of the company to stay and do business in India.
News Source :- Speak Asia Mobi-Club
News 4 :- (a) स्पीक एशिया: मकर सक्रांति के बाद फिर से दोढ़ेगी- ज्योतिश्चार्य मोरवाल
कुक्कू मोरवाल
जून के महीने में ही मेने ज्योतिष शाष्त्र के अनुसार स्पीक एशिया के विषय में जान कारी हांसिल की थी परन्तु मेने कभी भी इसका जिक्र किसी से या सार्वजानिक रूप से नहीं किया था. चूँकि अब स्पीक एशिया के समय चक्र को ले कर लोग खुल कर सामने आ ही गए है, और लोगो का विश्वास भी बढ़ा है , इन सब बातों को मद्दे नज़र रखते हुए मेने सोचा की जो जानकारी मेरे पास है वो अब आपके सामने उजागर कर दी जाये.
इश्वर करे ये सब सत्य हो और एक बार फिर से स्पीक एशिया "शताब्दी एक्सप्रेस " की स्पीड से दौढ़े और सत्य के साथ साथ हमारे विश्वास के जीत हो और हमारे घरों में खुशहाली का दौर शुरू हो और " सत्यमेव जयते " चरित्रार्थ हो सके.
धन्यवादआपका शुभ चिन्तक
कुक्कू मोरवाल
उदय प्रताप सिंह
अभी 23 सितम्बर को स्पीक एशिया मार्केटिंग के ब्लॉग पर एक बार फिर वही दिखाई दिया जिसके कारण स्पीक एशिया आज तमाम झमेलों में फंसी हुई है। ब्लॉग में लिखा था कि सिर्फ हमारी सुनो, हमारी मानो, हमें ही जानो, बाकी सब झूठ है, बकवास है, किसी पर विश्वास मत करो, बस हम पर विश्वास करो।
शब्द कुछ और थे, लेकिन अर्थ केवल इतना ही था। मैं समझ नहीं पा रहा हूं कि स्पीक एशिया का मैनेजमेंट इस प्रकार का बचपना आखिर कर क्यों रहा है.? पहले भी वो हर सेमिनार में कुछ ऐसा ही कहते रहे, लगता था जैसे दुनिया इन्हीं से शुरू होती है और इन्हीं पर खतम हो जाती है। इन्हें पता नहीं था कि बिना नींव के मजबूत इमारतें खड़ी नहीं होतीं, लेकिन ये तो ज्ञानी थे, न सोचा, न सुना और न माना। बस बनाते गए बनाते गए। अब एक न एक दिन गिरना तो था ही, जरा सा झोंका आया और गिर गया।
ये सब निरी कोरी बेवकूफी है। मैं कहता हूं लोगों को सोचने दो, समझने दो, जाने दो, घूमने दो, यदि कंपनी में दम है, उसके बिजनेस मॉडल में दम है, पॉलिसी रही है, मैनेजमेंट ईमानदार है तो लोग अपने आप वापस आएंगे। बफादार और गद्दारों की गिनती क्यों कर रहे हो। क्यों लोगों को इसके लिए प्रेरित नहीं करते कि जब तक स्पीक एशिया वापस आती है आप देखकर आओ दूसरी कंपनियां और तब तुम्हे पता चलेगा कि तुम कितनी अच्छी कंपनी में थे। क्यों अपने पेनलिस्ट को यह नहीं कहते कि सभी सूचना के माध्यमों पर स्पीक एशिया के बारे में पता लगाओ और उनकी सच्चाई की जांच करो, इससे तुम सच्चाई की जांच करना सीख जाओगे और तब तुम यह भी जांच कर पाओगे कि स्पीक एशिया सच्ची है या नहीं।
याद रखो, कमजोर संत ही अपने अनुयायियों को अंधविश्वासी बनाने का प्रयास करते हैं, कमजोर लीडरशिप ही यह कहती है कि किसी की मत सुना, किसी को मत देखो, किसी की मत मानो। अच्छा और सच्चा लीडर कहता है कि पहले लोगों से पता करके आओ, फिर मुझसे मिलो, तब में बताऊंगा कि क्या सही है और वह क्यों सही है।
याद रखो, कमजोर संत ही अपने अनुयायियों को अंधविश्वासी बनाने का प्रयास करते हैं, कमजोर लीडरशिप ही यह कहती है कि किसी की मत सुना, किसी को मत देखो, किसी की मत मानो। अच्छा और सच्चा लीडर कहता है कि पहले लोगों से पता करके आओ, फिर मुझसे मिलो, तब में बताऊंगा कि क्या सही है और वह क्यों सही है।
News Source :- The Bhasker
Speak Asia News 24x7 Dated :- 25 September 2011