Speak Asia News 11 October 2011
News 1
It is a good sign that Speakasian are still United
The Voice of SpeakAsia CEO Manoj Kumar :
*CEO Monoj kumar said SpeakAsia is not working under Ponzi Scheme and It is a good sign that Speakasian are still United.
*Definitely SpeakAsia will come back – Monoj Kumar CEO of SpeakAsia
*Till now all SpeakAsia Management are showing that they are active in this matter and they will survive, the victory will be at their side.
*The Confidence level of SpeakAsia CEO Monoj Kumar is still same as before.
*CEO Manoj Kumar is busy with his team and working very hard for SpeakAsia and waiting for the report of EOW, RBI and other Indian Govt Authorities.
*According to CEO Manoj Kumar, SpeakAsia will rock soon and It will make history in the Survey marketing not only in India and Bangladesh But also in the whole world.
*SAOL is not fraud or fake company, they came to market to build the future not to destroy the life of its members.
*CEO Manoj Kumar said there is an Reward for Existing member and Leaders. Because SAOL could not be fulfilled without existing members and leaders.
*CEO Manoj Kumar said SAOL’s Bangladesh operation is 100% ready and ready to launch at any day.
Thank you
News Source :- Speak Asia Mobi-Club
News 2
Speak Asia Company News Status
1 More Group is Working for Those Speak Asians who Said :
Level 1 : Speak Asia Quit Plan : For Those Who Only Invested Money in Speak Asia and not Get a Single Rs. ( Who Joined Speak Asia Company April / May / June )
So We are Appealing again
Send a Mail to united.speakasia@gmail.com
With Below Information .
Name :
Speak Asia id's :
Joining Date :
E-Mail id :
Contact Number :
Our 1st Meeting ( United Speak Asia ) with Some Speak Asian Leaders / Financial Adviser / Lawyers / Cyber Experts and Many was Completed on 30th September 2011.
Our Plan ( Level 1 ) Can Be executed 24th of October 2011 .
इसके लिए हमने एक मुहीम इन्टरनेट पर चलिए हैं जिसमे हमने लोगो से अग्रेह किया हैं की वह लोग जिनका पैसा नहीं आया वह अपनी जानकारी हमहें भजे :
नाम :
स्पेअक एशिया ID :
कब ज्वाइन किया :
इ-मेल :
मोबाइल नंबर :
यह जानकारी आप united.speakasia@gmail.com पर भजें .
Some Peoples are saying they are Hackers .. But The Question Arrise for Idiat People who asked this Question is How can Can a hacker with Taking Your Speak Asia Password and E-mail Password what can he Do .
More Over those People who Loose the Money in Speak Asia ..Are these people can Join Any Other Company We Don't Think So.
If Any Person can Help to covering Money Loss done in Speak Asia Case What is Harm in that .
Speak Asia Company itself Lauch a Website for peoples who want Exit Option on 10 September in this Website of Speak Asia and Today is 11 October 2011... What Speak Asia Company Do it Self.
Speak Asia Company Says on Speak Asia Exit Website " it is their sole responsibility to satisfy the queries raised by any of the authorities."
Laughing Question is : When Speak Asia Was Taking Money From the Panelist Are they Said Any thing Like That At the Speak Asia said " Speak Asia Registerd with RBI and Every thing ".
News Source :- Speak Asia Fraud Or Genuine
News 3
1. RBI (Reserve Bank of India),
2. MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs),
3. Ministry Of Finance,
4. and Speak Asia Itself…
Notices were sent to all these 4 authorities.. Only SpeakAsia has filed reply in supreme court that too on 30th September 2011 and no other authority has filed up any reply till today …
As Per Information from Our Advocate Till This weekend we expect the final hearing date… which will be preponed from 21st November 2011 to the earliest.
On My Question If No Authorities File up then ??
Answer : Then we will fight up as we have already received reply of one of the party out of 4 and will ask court to make a final decision as no other authorities seem to be serious and are just wasting time of Both Court n Panelists..
So Guys Please be patient as this court matters take time….
We Are Bound to win And will definitely WinSpeak Asia News 24x7 Dated :- 11 October 2011
News 1
It is a good sign that Speakasian are still United
The Voice of SpeakAsia CEO Manoj Kumar :
*CEO Monoj kumar said SpeakAsia is not working under Ponzi Scheme and It is a good sign that Speakasian are still United.
*Definitely SpeakAsia will come back – Monoj Kumar CEO of SpeakAsia
*Till now all SpeakAsia Management are showing that they are active in this matter and they will survive, the victory will be at their side.
*The Confidence level of SpeakAsia CEO Monoj Kumar is still same as before.
*CEO Manoj Kumar is busy with his team and working very hard for SpeakAsia and waiting for the report of EOW, RBI and other Indian Govt Authorities.
*According to CEO Manoj Kumar, SpeakAsia will rock soon and It will make history in the Survey marketing not only in India and Bangladesh But also in the whole world.
*SAOL is not fraud or fake company, they came to market to build the future not to destroy the life of its members.
*CEO Manoj Kumar said there is an Reward for Existing member and Leaders. Because SAOL could not be fulfilled without existing members and leaders.
*CEO Manoj Kumar said SAOL’s Bangladesh operation is 100% ready and ready to launch at any day.
Thank you
News Source :- Speak Asia Mobi-Club
News 2
Speak Asia Company News Status
We ( speak-asia-fraud.blogspot.com ) was publishing Speak Asia Latest News on Speak Asia Pte. Ltd.
Today was the Hearing of Anti Spretry Bail of Tarak bajpai & RAJIV MEHROTRA in Andhra Pardesh Case
Mr Tarak Bajapi For His AntiSpretry Bail Filed a Case Number :
Mr RAJIV MEHROTRA For His AntiSpretry Bail Filed a Case Number :
Tiil 5:50 PM Court Details are Not Come Waiting for Updating News.
Tommarow is Hearing of AISPA Case in Mumbai Court
For that Best of Luck to Aispa ... But Some Question Accours in Case of AISPA Working ?Today was the Hearing of Anti Spretry Bail of Tarak bajpai & RAJIV MEHROTRA in Andhra Pardesh Case
Till Today 11 October their was Not Relief to Speak Asia Company .Mr Tarak Bajapi For His AntiSpretry Bail Filed a Case Number :
CRLP 8958 / 2011 |
CRLP 8957 / 2011 |
Tiil 5:50 PM Court Details are Not Come Waiting for Updating News.
Tommarow is Hearing of AISPA Case in Mumbai Court
See the Court Link :AISPA - PILL/51/2011
Mumbai PIL Hearing : 12 October 2011
1 More Group is Working for Those Speak Asians who Said :
Level 1 : Speak Asia Quit Plan : For Those Who Only Invested Money in Speak Asia and not Get a Single Rs. ( Who Joined Speak Asia Company April / May / June )
So We are Appealing again
Send a Mail to united.speakasia@gmail.com
With Below Information .
Name :
Speak Asia id's :
Joining Date :
E-Mail id :
Contact Number :
Our 1st Meeting ( United Speak Asia ) with Some Speak Asian Leaders / Financial Adviser / Lawyers / Cyber Experts and Many was Completed on 30th September 2011.
Our Plan ( Level 1 ) Can Be executed 24th of October 2011 .
इसके लिए हमने एक मुहीम इन्टरनेट पर चलिए हैं जिसमे हमने लोगो से अग्रेह किया हैं की वह लोग जिनका पैसा नहीं आया वह अपनी जानकारी हमहें भजे :
नाम :
स्पेअक एशिया ID :
कब ज्वाइन किया :
इ-मेल :
मोबाइल नंबर :
यह जानकारी आप united.speakasia@gmail.com पर भजें .
Some Peoples are saying they are Hackers .. But The Question Arrise for Idiat People who asked this Question is How can Can a hacker with Taking Your Speak Asia Password and E-mail Password what can he Do .
More Over those People who Loose the Money in Speak Asia ..Are these people can Join Any Other Company We Don't Think So.
If Any Person can Help to covering Money Loss done in Speak Asia Case What is Harm in that .
Speak Asia Company itself Lauch a Website for peoples who want Exit Option on 10 September in this Website of Speak Asia and Today is 11 October 2011... What Speak Asia Company Do it Self.
Speak Asia Company Says on Speak Asia Exit Website " it is their sole responsibility to satisfy the queries raised by any of the authorities."
Laughing Question is : When Speak Asia Was Taking Money From the Panelist Are they Said Any thing Like That At the Speak Asia said " Speak Asia Registerd with RBI and Every thing ".
News Source :- Speak Asia Fraud Or Genuine
News 3
स्पीक एशिया: झलक इंडिया को पंकज का जबाव
सेन्ट्रल डेस्क
दभास्कर.कॉम पर स्पीक एशिया का कच्चा चिट्ठा शीर्षक के साथ एक सीरियल आर्टीकल शुरू करने वाले रामबली गुप्ता को लेकर बहस शुरू हो गई है। बीते रोज झलक इंडिया के नाम से किसी अज्ञात व्यक्ति ने रामबली गुप्ता का जबर्दस्त विरोध किया था जिसके जबाव में आज पंकज कुमार कलवार ने झलक इंडिया को जमकर लताड़ लगाने की कोशिश की है। यह विचारों की लड़ाई है और किसी भी व्यवस्था को बनाए रखने के लिए सबसे ज्यादा जरूरी और उपयोगी। हम यहांपंकज कुमार कलवार के विचार यथावत प्रस्तुत कर रहे हैं, देखिए क्या कुछ कहा है उन्होंने झलक इंडिया से
भाई , झलक इंडिया जी आपने राम बली जी के सारे ब्लोग्स को ठीक से पढ़ा है कि नहीं | हमनें भी पढ़ा है | लेकिन झलक जी मेरी ये समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि उन्होंने अपने किसी भी ब्लॉग में कहीं भी ये तो लिखा ही नहीं कि सोल एक फ्रोड कंपनी है या फिर कंपनी कुछ कर ही नहीं रही है या फिर सोल भाग जायेगी | बल्कि उन्होंने तो अपने ब्लॉग के भाग-4 में लोगों से ये अनुरोध भी किया है कि कोई भी FIR आदि न करें | उनहोंने तो अपनें ब्लोग्स में सिर्फ सोल के management के द्वारा बार-बार की जा रही गलतियों की ओर ध्यान दिलानें की कोशिश की है और वो भी बिना किसी का पक्छ लिए हुए | ऐसा भी नहीं लगता की उन्होंने मिडिया औरgovt. एजेंसियों की कोई बहुत बड़ाई लिखी हो और कहा हो कि ये सब एकदम पाक-साफ और ईमानदार हैं और आज सोल की सारी परेसानियों में इनका कोई हाथ नहीं है |
फिर आपका इतना लम्बा चौड़ा लेक्चर लिखनें का उद्देश्य मेरी समझ में नहीं आया | हमें तो ऐसा लगता है कि वो जो आपने सावन के किसी अंधे कि बात की है न वो आपको छोड़ कर कोई और हो ही नहीं सकता क्योंकि शायद आप जैसे लोग तो अपने मन में पहले से ही ये बात बैठा कर रखते हैं की अगर किसी नें सोल पर थोड़ी सी उंगली क्या उठाई, बस ओ सोल का दुसमन ही है और बिना उसकी मूल बातों को समझे ही उस पर तमाम आरोंपों की झड़ी लगा दिया करते हैं | क्षमा करियेगा आपकी बातों से कहीं से ये नहीं लगता कि कूप-मंडूक वाली बात भी आप के ऊपर न लागू होती हो क्योंकि आप जैसे लोग तो जानबूझ कर सच्चाई को झूठलाने की कोशिश ही करते हैं | मै नहीं जनता की आप कौन है कोई आदमी या फिर कोई संस्था लेकिन आपको एक सलाह देने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ और वो की बिना किसी की मूल बातों को समझे हुए उसे गलत बताने या सलाह देनें का काम नहीं करना चाहिए क्योंकि ऐसे लोगों को ये संसार मूर्खों की कटेगरी में गिनता है | अगर मेरी बातों से आपके अहंकार को कोई चोट लगी हो तो मुझे कृपया क्षमा करियेगा, मिस्टर अहंकारी जी |
पंकज कुमार कलवार
Here is an important message to all speakasian
Umesh Pundir
Today is 10th October 2011.There is No Date In Supreme Court, Reason : Complete Filing Of Case is done only when replies from all authorities are filed up, Notices Were Sent to :
1. RBI (Reserve Bank of India),
2. MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs),
3. Ministry Of Finance,
4. and Speak Asia Itself…
Notices were sent to all these 4 authorities.. Only SpeakAsia has filed reply in supreme court that too on 30th September 2011 and no other authority has filed up any reply till today …
As Per Information from Our Advocate Till This weekend we expect the final hearing date… which will be preponed from 21st November 2011 to the earliest.
On My Question If No Authorities File up then ??
Answer : Then we will fight up as we have already received reply of one of the party out of 4 and will ask court to make a final decision as no other authorities seem to be serious and are just wasting time of Both Court n Panelists..
So Guys Please be patient as this court matters take time….
We Are Bound to win And will definitely Win
News Source :- The Bhaskar