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Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Speak Asia News 21/09/2011

Speak Asia News 21 September 2011
News 1 :- Speak Asia Panelist Association 20 September Updates
Good Evening Speakasians,

Since the 7th September, 2011 the updates have been very irregular as I have been shunting between Mahim (where I stay) and Mira Road (40 Kms away) where my mother is in the hospital in a critical condition, there is a chance that we may lose her any time now, and if that happens I may not be able to update you, at least for the next three to four days.

Yesterday i.e. 19th September saw the start of a PR exercise by your Association and we addressed a press conference at the Press Club of Mumbai.

I was pleasantly surprised at the huge turnout of the panelists and I estimate that there were almost 1000 panelists outside the Press Club. This also created problems of its own, the area around the Press Club is a sensitive area and we did not want to create a law and order situation so I requested the panelists to disburse from there and to assemble outside the EOW. The panelists most graciously agreed to disburse peacefully.

I think we were successful in putting before the media the view point of the panelists and our concerns arising out of the harassment being meted out to some panelist’s viz. Mr. Dipankar Sarkar, Mr. Vikas Chandodkar and Mr. Ramesh Bachau.

The Association and indeed the entire family of Speakasians are aghast at this change in the stand of the EOW. From being the victims who were being protected we are now victims who are being victimized. Our protectors on whom we had utmost faith have now turned into tormentors.

This current action by the Mumbai Police has left us threatened. We are now scared that this victimization of the victims will percolate into arrest of many more of us.
After the conference we shifted to the EOW and proceeded to submit our memorandum to the Joint commissioner of Police (Crime) Mr. Rajvardhanji. The Commissioner met us for a brief moment as he had to go for a meeting he could not give us a long hearing. We submitted the Memorandum to his office under acknowledgment.

As you must have heard from the various videos uploaded our pleas are quite simple and I list them down as follows:

1. Allow the company, to make payments due to the panelists.The Company is on record and has been repeatedly pleading before RBI and other agencies to be allowed to pay the panelists.

2. Complete the investigation in a set time frame.

3. Pending such investigation the company should be allowed to restart operations thereby ensuring continuous earnings to all panelists.

4. The Mumbai Police more specifically the EOW stops the arrest of the panelists. The panelists have no role in the running of the company or its management.

What amuses me no end is that the basic principal of natural justice is that everybody is to be treated as innocent until proved guilty?

In the case of SAOL the media and all the authorities have already pronounced SAOL to be guilty without even the first charge sheet having been filed. This is CONTEMPT of the highest order. "It seems like a denial of natural justice."

The value of achievement lies in the achieving…. Albert Einstein

Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing…. Oscar Wilde
Once again I wish to urge all Speakasians please have patience, stand solidly together behind the company, and trust your own judgment. Remember Tarak sahib’s words outside Thane Court “We are bound to win and we will definitely win”
Proud to be a Speakasian
Jai Speakasia
Source :- Speak Asia Association

News 2 :- Press Release by SpeakAsia Online
Press Note - 19th September 2011.

Post the order from the honorable Mumbai High Court the Reserve Bank of India granted an audience to the representatives of Speak Asia. The representatives were met by a panel of six top officials of RBI who them a patient hearing. The meeting was held in a cordial environment were the officials had some queries on the presentation made.

Commenting on the occasion Speak Asia spokesperson said " We are extremely pleased with the approach and positive attitude of RBI. This is a great opportunity for us to present our business model to RBI. We believe that this is a great step to facilitate the payments due to our family of over 12 lac panelists".

The RBI has now given the company two weeks to come back will the answers to their enquires.

Your's Faithfully,
SpeakAsia Online Corporate Marketing Team

Source :- Speak Asia Marketing Team

News 3 :- RBI Submit Their Report in 2 Weeks AajTak News - 21 September 2011

                      RBI Speak Asia Aaj Tak News 21 September 2011

On Aaj Tak News of 21 September 2011 : RBI Officials Meet Speak Asia Representatives and Submit Their Report in 2 Weeks.
Video Below:-

This is Not Much Good News for us : ( Speak Asia Fraud ) as on 9th September 2011 . One PIL was Filed
By Some Panelist in that Supreme Court of India have given Order to RBI ( Reserve Bank of India ) to Submit a Report with In 2 Weeks that 2 Weeks of time is completing  on  23 rd  September  2011 Means  Just after 2 Days From Today 21st of September . If According to Aaj Tak News RBI Peoples Meat Speak Asia Representatives means They Have Meet Mr. Tarak Bajpai as he is Part of Speak Asia Management  and He is Official Representative By Speak Asia Online Pte. Ltd. in India.

In this News they Said No Body Name as Representatives.

This PIL was Filed By 115 Panelists Rajiv Ranjan Raj Delhi Advocate which was is in News on  Navbharat Times - Mumbai Edition - 12 September 2011

In a News By on 21 September 2011
‘Suddenly the website was stopped without any foolproof action plan qua the refund of claims of
various panelists/ subscribers,’ Mr Rajive Ranjan Raj, a lawyer representing the panelists, told

‘The panelists are not concerned with whether their (Speak Asia’s) business model was right or not.
The RBI was aware of it.

Even five per cent bank charges used to be deducted from their payment. All of a sudden what happened?’

SOLOMON JEMES & ORS  WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 383 of 2011 " Supreme Court of India  " Filled on 9 September, 2011 its Hearing After 2 Weeks Approx 23 September 2011.
In this PIL  in 2 Weeks HAREN VENTURES PTE. LTD. VS Finance Ministry , Reserve Bank of India what is the Status of Money of Speak Asians . 

Writ Petion Civil 383 2011 SoloMon James & Ors VS Union of India

As we Highlighted In Red Area Above This PIL By SOLOMON JEMES & ORS is Very Important for Speak Asia as in this Commercial  Transaction s Including Banking means if this PIL was in  

Consideration By Government At least  Money of Speak Asia Panelist who have chosen Exit Option that Can be Done as Exit Option is Already Provided By Speak Asia Online Pte. Ltd. and People Will Get the Money.

On a Major Consideration of the Facts The PIL By Delhi Panelists for Exit Can Be Approved But the PIL By AISPA where its said to Restart the Company Again is Next to impossible at this stage.

Do Step By Step :
1st is Exit the Panelists who don't want to Be Part of Speak Asia Family in this way they will not fight and give their Bad Remarks to the Company Once they Delhi PIL get Judgment then only its Possible to Restart .

We ( ) seems Delhi PIL more logical and Can be Approved More Over Today aajTak News have Proven that RBI Officials have meet company representative and Soon will Submit their  Report.

In Another PILL/51/2011 which is Submitted  By AISPA
 which Said them Self as " All India Speak Asia Panelist Association " but in When We Check Bombay High Court Link

 See the Name of Petitioner:-
Whether its Speak Asia or SpeakSia 

So SpeakSia Can you Explain When Its People of Speak Asia where it Comes SpeakSia More over
on 19th September 2011 :  Speak Asia Panelist Association organizing Press Conference Mumbai
We ( Speak Asia Fraud ) again Say to You Don't Lie and Explain Why on Bombay High Court website where you have Submitted A PIL of Behalf of Speak Asians why Their is Not Name of Speak Asia why its SpeakSia. ?
We Also Says That you have done a Good Work By Making Peoples United but when you Lie or Not Clear the Facts then a New Problem will be arise and We are writing  our Blog  ( ) from so many time and we Never See people is witting they will commit Suicides and All this Type of Stuff . At this Critical Time of Speak Asia Panelist Don't Lie Say the Truth .

Readers / Friends of Our Blog at 11:30 AM 21 September 2011 we are getting this Message From Some of the Resources that Mr. Ashok who is Secretary of AISPA his Mother is No More
We ( )  From Our Deep of our Heart Say's
"May god grant eternal peace to the departed soul and fortitude to the bereaved family"
( This Message was already on Social Sites Not Get Confirmation from Mr. Ashok Bhiwani ) .
In His Last Message on 20th September 2011 He Writes " My mother is in the hospital in a critical condition, there is a chance that we may lose her any time now, and if that happens I may not be able to update you, at least for the next three to four days."

Speakasia Panelist Association 20 September Updates

Before the Any Judgment Come From Court Speak Asia Marketing End generate a Letter Saying Mumbai Court has Given the Permission but on Bombay High Court Website Still Nothing is Changed at But the Lie So Below the Copy of Speak Asia Marketing Signed By Some Unknown Person not By Harender Kaur or Manoj Sharma.See the Court Link :All India SpeakSia Panelist Association -  PILL/51/2011

Speak Asia Marketing Reply 20 September 2011
 Now Speak Asia Marketing Team Have generated a Copy of Sheet Only thing they have Changed the Said its Mumbai High Court Decision of PIL BY AISPA but in Morning Aaj Tak News it has Comes did Markting team of Speak Asia wants to say that today Judgment they have Seen in Dreams .
Generate Their Own Copy of Judgment at 4:00 PM 21 September and On other End in PIL Case of
AISPA Bombay High Court is Showing No Update...Don't Lie and Circulate Rumors.

On Another Side News From the Court Comes : Since Justice Ranjana Desai was transferred to the new court.The New Judge has asked for 21 Days to study the case and new reports submitted by the authorities. so now the new date is after 21 days. FOR AISPA PILMEANS LIE OF MARKETING WHICH THEY HAVE SPREAD FROM THEIR BLOG SPEAK ASIA MARKETING BLOGSPOT.COM IS FALSE.

Source :- Speak Asia Fraud Or Genuine

News 4 :- (a) Ashok sir’s mother is no longer with us
I m very sorry to inform that Ashok sir’s mother is no longer with us. May god give peice to her departed soul.
Friends i am sorry to convey to you the demise of Ashok ji’s mother today morning.
May god grant eternal peace to the departed soul and fortitude to the bereaved family.
(b) 21st september PIL Updates
Today is 21st september, Today is court judgement day.
Lots of SpeakAsian demanding to update every 5 minute.
I am not able to update latest news every time because of heavy traffic..
I will update  today evening.
Source :- Speak Asia Mobi-Club

News 5 :- Speak Asia panelists approach SC
20.9.2011 (UNI) A group of about 115 panelists of Singapore-based marketing company Speak Asia has filed a petition in the Supreme Court to recover their money stuck with the beleaguered company.

The petition was filed on September 6.

The panelists used to conduct online survey for the company in lieu of online payment and have other members under them.

In order to become panelist with Speak Asia, subscription of an e-magazine was necessary after making the payment of Rs 11,000 for a year.

‘Suddenly the website was stopped without any foolproof action plan qua the refund of claims of various panelists/ subscribers,’ Mr Rajive Ranjan Raj, a lawyer representing the panelists, told UNI.

‘The panelists are not concerned with whether their (Speak Asia’s) business model was right or not. The RBI was aware of it.

Even five per cent bank charges used to be deducted from their payment. All of a sudden what happened?’ he said. UNI 

Source :- IndlawNews

News 6 :- Maha planning awareness campaign against online frauds
Mumbai, Sep 20 (PTI) Considering the increasing number of cases of online fraud, Maharashtra government has decided to take steps to create public awareness. The city police's Economic Offences Wing today filed an affidavit before the Bombay High Court, stating that it had hired advertising agency Lowe Lintas to create awareness advertisements. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) too has been requested to issue advertisements, asking people not to fall prey to alluring but shady online schemes, it said. The division bench of Justices D D Sinha and V K Tahilramani was hearing two public interest litigations filed by investors who were allegedly duped by schemes of Speak Asia and Symbiosis Trade Link. On the allegation by the petitioners that police initially refused to look into the complaints, public prosecutor Pandurang Pol told the court that inquiry had been initiated. The EOW has also sought special courts for economic offences for speedy trials. The court was informed that in the Symbiosis matter, the first complaint was lodged in February 2010, but action had not yet been initiated. "What have the police done so far? People want perpetrators to be brought to book. Such cases should be taken to logical conclusion," Justice Sinha said. Speak Asia, a Singapore-based online survey company, is alleged to have cheated people by promising huge returns for taking part and investing in its surveys. Symbiosis Trade Link runs similar scheme from Pune.
Source :- ibnlive
Speak Asia News 24x7 Dated:- 21 September 2011