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Thursday, 29 September 2011

Speak Asia News 29/09/2011

Speak Asia News 29 September 2011
News 1 :- Cases Against SpeakAsia Updates English Hindi

एसोसिएशन के सलाहगार के साथ एक महत्वपूर्ण बैठक के बाद घर लौट रहे समय मैं मन ही मन इस अद्यतन के बारे में सोच रहा था और मैंने वर्तमान स्थिति अर्थात विभिन्न कानूनी मामलों के बारे में पैनलइस्ट्स को अद्यतन करने पर निश्चय किया.
 बहुत प्रसिद्ध और पवित्र सेंट माइकल्स चर्च, माहिम के संदेश बोर्ड पर लिखे गए इस कहावत को पढ़ा
"निष्पक्षता तथ्य है न्याय का "

Speakasians का पूरा परिवार कानून मानने वाले नागरिक हैं और भारत की न्यायिक प्रणाली में और वास्तव में अपनी निष्पक्षता में निहित विश्वास रखते है.

मैं कंपनी से सम्बंधित सभी कानूनी मामलों और उनकी वर्तमान स्थिति की सूची दिए जा रहा हूँ:
1. विजयवाड़ा मामला
यह कंपनी के खिलाफ दायर पहला मामला था.  महत्वपूर्ण है कि यहाँ ध्यान दें कि  "Corporate Fraud Watch" नामक एक गैर सरकारी संगठन आंध्र प्रदेश में बहुत सक्रिय है और सभी नेटवर्क विपणन कंपनियों के खिलाफ की लड़ाई में सबसे आगे है.
यह गैर सरकारी संगठन Amway के साथ भी एक कानूनी लड़ाई में उलझी है.
इस गैर सरकारी संगठन का मानना ​​है कि सभी नेटवर्किंग कंपनियों प्राकृतिक रूप और इरादे से धोखाधड़ी कर रहे हैं.  स्वतंत्र भारत में अपनी राय रखने से आप लोगों को नहीं रोक सकते .
इस मामले में वर्तमान स्थिति यह है कि चार अभियुक्त जो गिरफ्तार किये गए थे जैसे
a) श्री दीपांकर सरकार है जो आप और मेरी तरह सिर्फ एक साधारण पनेलिस्ट है.
b) श्री रईस जो कंपनी (SAOL) के एक साधारण कर्मचारी है.
c) श्री रवि खन्ना, जो कंपनी के कर्मचारी नहीं है.
d) श्री राहुल शाह , एक लाचार व्यक्ति जो किसी भी कंपनी से नहीं जुड़े हैं जिसका दूर दूर तक SAOL  के साथ भी सम्बन्ध नहीं है. एस्प्लेनेड अदालत (किला कोर्ट) में माननीय मजिस्ट्रेट के सामने कंपनी के वकील ने कहा था " एक गलत मामले में एक गलत आदमी को उठा लिया " उन्होंने मराठी में अदालत को बताया कि अधिकारी बिना सोचे समझे जो जी में आये कर रहे हैं
उपर्युक्त सभी चार   विजयवाडा कोर्ट द्वारा जमानत पर कल रिहा हुए हैं
इसके अलावा यहाँ ध्यान दें कि SAOL के फ्रेंचाइजी के सभी खातों को इस विजयवाडा मामले के तहत बांध किये गए थे.

2. मुंबई उच्च न्यायालय में पहली जनहित याचिका: 
एक व्यक्ति जो किसी तरह भी SAOL से जुड़ा नहीं है , मुंबई उच्च न्यायालय में महाराष्ट्र सरकार के खिलाफ एक आपराधिक जनहित याचिका दायर की है. 
जनहित याचिका के मुख्य प्रार्थना थी कि याचिकाकर्ता इंटरनेट धोखाधड़ी और साइबर अपराध को रोकने में अधिकारियों की तैयारियों के बारे में पता करना चाहता था. याचिकाकर्ता मामला SAOL के खिलाफ नहीं था, हालांकि याचिकाकर्ताने दुर्भावनापूर्ण Speakasia को एक उदाहरण के रूप में लिया किया. हम सब को हमारे दुश्मन की पहुंच और शक्ति का पता है तो हम समझ सकते हैं कैसे एक बेसरोकार याचिकाकर्ता आसानी से SAOL के खिलाफ प्रभावित हो सकता है. आसान है हर किसी पर कीचड़ उछालना. 

इतिहास गवाह है, कैसे लोगों ने हमारी पवित्र 'सीता माता' पर भी आरोप लगाया. 

यहाँ ध्यान देना उचित होगा कि माननीय हाई कोर्ट का इस जनहित याचिका के तहत मुंबई पुलिस (EOW ) के द्वारा SAOL के जांच पड़ताल का नहीं था, सिर्फ EOW से कहा कि साइबर अपराध या इंटरनेट धोखाधड़ी को रोकने में पुलिस की तैयारियों पर एक रिपोर्ट प्रस्तुत करने को ( EOW आज तक नाकाम रही है) 
EOW के अति उत्साही अधिकारी आसान उपलब्ध काम करते हैं, वे एक अति संवेदनशील SAOL जैसे लक्ष्य को , एक उदाहरण बनाकर कंपनी की जांच करने में लग गए.. 
माननीय उच्च न्यायालय ने (SAOL) कंपनी के परामर्शदाता श्री पोंडा के निवेदन पर दर्शाया कि अदालत ने किसी भी हालत में अधिकारियों को कंपनी SAOL की जाँच का आदेश नहीं दिया था और EOW को इस मामले की जांच स्वतंत्ररूप से करनी चाहिए.
लेकिन अफसोस है कौन निष्पक्ष स्वतंत्रता की व्याख्या समझाएं 
हम पैनलइस्ट्स को EOW कि निष्पक्षता में बेहिचक विश्वास है और वास्तव में न्यायपालिका "सत्यमेव जयते" में. 

3. EOW प्रकरण: 
श्री खोसला नामक पनेलिस्ट ने बांद्रा पूर्व पुलिस स्टेशन में २८ जुलाई २०११ को एक FIR , दर्ज किया 
मामला EOW को सौंप दिया गया और महान तात्कालिकता दिखाते हुए EOW अधिकारियों ने श्री तारक बाजपाई को २८ को बीच रात में ही इंदौर में अपने निवास स्थान से गिरफ्तार किया 
EOW ने नीचे दर्शाए आरोपीयों पर आरोप लगाया है: 
a) श्री तारक बाजपेयी COO SAOL. 
b) M/s Tulsiyant Tech के श्री राजीव मेहरोत्रा. 
c ) M/sTulsiyant Tech के श्री रवि खन्ना. 
d) श्री दीपांकर सरकार रायपुर से पनेलिस्ट 
e) श्री Rayees SAOL Tech Team
जांच पड़ताल जारी हैं और इस मामले में गिरफ्तार सभी व्यक्तियों को जमानत पर रिहा किया गया है 
कंपनी कि वेबसाइट इस मामले के तहत जांच के लिए EOW के कब्जे में है. EOW के पास २७ अक्टूबर, २०११ तक का समय है (गिरफ्तारी से 90 दिन).अपना आरोप पत्र दायर करने के लिए.

4. मीरा रोड प्रकरण:
यह एक दिलचस्प मामला है इस दृष्टिकोण से , जिसमे स्पष्ट दिखाई देता है ,कैसे अधिकारी कंपनी के अधिकारियों को परेशान करने पर तुले हुए हैं और कंपनी की गतिविधियों के सामान्य होने में विलंभ कर रहे हैं
अपने  direct अप लाइन (Sponsor) के खिलाफ एक पैनलईस्ट के शिकायत से मामला उपजा. उपरोक्त व्यक्तियों का उल्लेख प्राथमिकी में नहीं किया गया है. हैरानी इस बात की बात है कि श्री दीपांकर सरकार इससे सम्बंधित पनेलिस्ट इस सौदे में कहीं भी दिखाई नहीं देते है.
सोचे समझे बिना कानून या प्रक्रिया के लिए कोई सम्मान दिखाए बिना .EOW भायंदर ने उल्लेख किये गए (श्री Rayees को छोड़कर)  चारों व्यक्तियों को २० अगस्त, २०११ को आर्थर रोड जेल से जारी होते ही गिरफ्तारकिया.
यहाँ ध्यान देना उचित है. कि किला कोर्ट में माननीय मजिस्ट्रेट ने उपर्युक्त व्यक्तियों की हिरासत के लिए,EOW Bhayander द्वारा ट्रांजिट रिमांड आवेदन अस्वीकृत किया था.
 इस मामले के तहत सभी गिरफ्तार लोगों को जमानत पर जारी किया गया है.

5. AISPA द्वारा जनहित याचिका मुंबई उच्च न्यायालय में दर्ज
अपने गठन पर, पहला कदम जो एसोसिएशन (AISPA) ने उठाया वोह था उच्च न्यायालय मुंबई में एक जनहित याचिका (PIL) दर्ज करने का जिसमे २० लाख पैनलइस्ट्स का दृष्टिकोण दर्शाया था.
इस मामले में उत्तरदाताओं हैं:
a )भारत का केंद्रीय सरकार. भारत सरकारके सेक्रेटरी, Finance   के माध्यम से)
b) RBI मुंबई
c) अपने प्रमुख सचिव के माध्यम से महाराष्ट्र राज्य
d) Speakasia ऑनलाइन Pte. सिंगापुर लिमिटेड.
अन्य मुद्दों के अलावा जनहित याचिका में माननीय. उच्च न्यायालय में निम्नानुसार प्रार्थना क़ी है:
i उन दस्तावेज को जांच करना जिनके आधार पर RBI  ने २३ मई , २०११ को संदेह करने वाला पत्रिपत्र जारी किया था और जांच के बाद संदेह करने वाला परिपत्र ख़ारिज करना/मिटा देना.
ii. उत्तरदाताओं क्रमांक १ और २ को कंपनी के मामलों में माननीय अदालत से निश्चित किये गए समयबद्ध तरीके से जांच करने के लिए
iii. कि जांच संपन्न होने तक उत्तरदाताओं  1 और 2 को निर्देशित करें , कंपनी को अपने पैनलइस्ट्स का भुगतान करने क़ी और EXIT OPTION क़ी अनुमति दें
मामला अब उत्तरदाताओं के लिए 12 अक्टूबर, 2011 को रखा है अपने जवाब दाखिल करने.के लिए.

6. कुछ पैनल द्वारा सुप्रीम कोर्ट में दायर रिट याचिका:
हम जानते हैं कि कुछ पैनलइस्ट्स द्वारा एक अभियान किया गया है वकालतनामा भेजने के लिए, सुप्रीम कोर्ट में एक रिट याचिका दायर करने के लिए..

श्री सोलोमन जेम्स और ११५ से अधिक देश भर के पैनलइस्ट्स द्वारा रिट याचिका दायर की गयी थी.
इस रिट याचिका में निम्नलिखित उत्तरदाताओं हैं: 
a) भारत राज्य 
b) भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक 
c)M /s Speakasiaonline Pte. लिमिटेड 
d) M / s हरेन वेंचर्स प्रकाशन. 
इस रिट याचिका जो कुछ स्वतंत्र पैनलइस्ट्स द्वारा दायर क़ी गयी,AISPA द्वारा नहीं, माननीय सुप्रीम कोर्ट से मुख्य प्रार्थना इस प्रकार हैं: 
I. करीबन 150 करोड़ जो विभिन्न अधिकारियों द्वारा जब्त किया गया हैं तुरंत माननीय सुप्रीम कोर्ट की हिरासत के तहत लाया जाए और माननीय अदालत के आदेश के अनुसार. पैनलइस्ट्स के बीच वितरित किया जा. 
II .क्रमांक ३ और ४ उत्तरदाताओं यानी SAOL और HVP को पैनलइस्ट्स को भुगतान करने का आदेश दिया जाए.
बात अब सुनवाई के लिए १० अक्टूबर, २०११ पर सूचीबद्ध है. माननीय अदालत ने सभी उत्तरदाताओं को नोटिस जारी किया है अपने जवाब दाखिल करने. के लिए 
RBI ने कुछ स्पष्टीकरण माँगा है और कंपनी को RBI को अक्तूबर, २०११ के पहले हफ्ते में फिर मिलना होगा. 
हम देख सकते हैं कि कंपनी ने सभी चुनौतियों का सामना किया है और भारत में संचालित करने की अनुमति दी जाने के लिए प्रणाली से लढ़ रही है . 
कंपनी का व्यापार मॉड्यूल सही है और आम धारणा के विपरीत यह एक पैसे क़ी संचलन योजना नहीं है और न ही यह एक पिरामिड भर्ती मॉड्यूल है. 
कंपनी का व्यापार मॉड्यूल अपने समय से पहले और क्रन्तिकारी है और इस वजह से लोगों को पूरी तरह से मॉड्यूल का स्पष्ट रूप से सराहना करना मुश्किल है 
मैं एक बार फिर सभी Speakasian पैनलइस्ट्स को एकजुट रहकर, धैर्य रखकर कंपनी पर भरोसारखने के लिए कहता हूँ. कंपनी यहाँ एक दीर्घकालिक दृष्टि लेकर टिकने के लिए है. कंपनी और हम एक साथ सुनिश्चित ही विकसित होंगे . 
Speakasian होने पर गर्व 
जय Speakasia

Good Evenings Speakasians,
While returning home from an important meeting with the Associations Advocates I was working out this update in my mind and I had made up my mind on updating all the panelists about the current position viz a viz various legal matters.
I read this saying posted on the message board of the very famous and pious St. Michaels Church, Mahim. “Fairness is really what justice is”
The entire family of Speakasian’s are law abiding citizens and have implicit faith in the judicial system of India and indeed in its fairness.
I am going to list out all the legal matters in which the company is involved and their present status:
This was the first matter filed against the company. It is important to note here that an NGO by the name “corporate fraud watch” is very active in Andhra Pradesh and has been in the forefront in their fight against all network marketing companies. This NGO is also embroiled in a legal battle with AMWAY. This NGO believes that all networking companies are fraudulent in nature and intent. You cannot stop people from having their opinion in independent India.

The current status in this case is that the four accused who were arrested namely:
a) Mr. Dipankar Sarkar who is a simple panelist just like you and me.
b) Mr. Rayees who is an ordinary employee of the company (SAOL).
c) Mr. Ravi Khanna who is again not an employee of the company.
d) Mr. Rahul Shah this poor gentleman is in no way connected to any company even remotely connected with any operation of SAOL and the company counsel Mr. Ponda has gone on record before the Hon. Magistrate in the Esplanade court (Quila Court) and termed his arrest as “picking up a wrong man in a wrong case”.
He told the court in Marathi that the authorities are doing whatever they wish without any application of mind.
All the above four have been released on bail yesterday by the Vijayawada Court.
Also pertinent to note here is that all the accounts of the franchisees of SAOL were freezed under this Vijayawada matter.

An individual in no way connected to SAOL filed a criminal PIL in the Mumbai High Court against the Government of Maharashtra. The main prayer of the PIL was that the petitioner wanted to know of the preparedness of the authorities in preventing internet fraud and cyber crime. The petitioner’s case was not against SAOL per se, although the petitioner maliciously drew on Speakasia as an example. We all know of the reach and power of our adversary so we can understand how an uninterested petitioner could be easily influenced to implicate SAOL. It is easy to hurl aspersions on everything.

History is witness to how people have even accused our sacred ‘Sita Mata’.
Pertinent to note here is that the Hon. High Court never ordered the Mumbai police (EOW) to investigate SAOL under this PIL they simply asked the EOW to submit a report on the preparedness of the police in preventing cyber crime or internet fraud (which the EOW has failed till date to file).
 The overzealous officials of the EOW do the easiest thing available;
they target a soft and vulnerable target SAOL, and start investigating this company to make this a showcase example.
The Hon High Court has at a later date, on the prayer of the companies (SAOL) Counsel Mr. Ponda even, observed that the court has in no way ordered the authorities to Investigate the company SAOL and that the EOW needs to investigate this matter independently. But alas who is to explain unbiased independence.

We the panelists have unflinching faith in the fairness of the EOW and indeed in the Judiciary “Satyamev Jayate”.

3. The EOW Case:
A panelist going by the name of Mr. Khosla files a FIR on 28th July, 2011 at Bandra East Police Station.
The Matter is transferred to EOW and showing great urgency the EOW officials arrested Mr. Tarak Bajpai form his residence in Indore in the middle of the night on 28th itself The EOW has charged the accused i.e.:
a) Mr. Tarak Bajpai COO of SAOL.
b) Mr. Rajeev Mehrotra of M/s Tulsiyant Tech.
c) Mr. Ravi Khanna of M/s Tulsiyant Tech.
d) Mr. Dipankar Sarkar Panelist form Raipur.
e) Mr. Rayees Tech Team SAOL
The investigations are undergoing and all the persons arrested in this case are released on bail. The company website is under the custody of EOW for investigation under this case. The EOW has upto 27th October, 2011 to file their charge sheet (90 days from arrest).

4. The Mira Road Case:
This is an interesting case in point, on how the authorities are hell bent on harassing the company officials and how the only resolve evident is to delay the normalization of the company’s activities.
The case stems from a panelists complaint against its direct up line (Sponsor) the above mentioned persons in the EOW case are not even mentioned in the FIR. Surprisingly the panelist in question Mr. Dipankar Sarkar is not anywhere in the picture in this transaction.
Showing no respect for law or the process the EOW Bhayander without application of mind arrested the four above mentioned persons (except Mr. Rayees) as soon as they were released from the Arthur Road jail on 20th August, 2011. Pertinent to note here is that the Hon. Magistrate at the Quila Court had disallowed the Transit remand application moved by the EOW Bhayander for the custody of the above mentioned persons.
All the persons arrested under this case have been released on bail.

5. PIL Filed by AISPA in Mumbai High Court:
Upon its formation, the first thing the Association (AISPA) did was to move the Hon. High Court Mumbai and filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) putting forth the view point of the 20 lakh Panelists. The respondents in this matter are:
a) Union of India through Secretary Finance, Govt. of India.
b) Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai
c) State of Maharashtra through its chief Secretary
d) Speakasia online Pte. Ltd. Singapore.
Besides other issues the PIL made the following Prayer before the Hon. High Court as follows:
i. To examine the records based on which the RBI has issued the impugned circular dated May, 23, 2011 and after examining the same to quash and/or set aside the impugned circular.
ii. To direct respondents No. 1 & 2 to complete the investigation into the affairs of the company in a time bound manner as fixed by the Hon. Court.
iii. That pending the investigation the respondents No’s 1 and 2 be directed to allow the company to make payments to their panelists and allow the EXIT OPTION
The Matter is now kept on 12th October, 2011 for the respondents to file their reply.

6. Writ Petition filed by some Panelists in the Supreme Court:
We know a campaign was undertaken by some panelists of sending VAKALATNAMAS to file a WRIT PETITION in the Supreme Court.
The WRIT PETITION was filed by Mr. Solomon James and about 115 more panelists from across the country.
In this Writ Petition the following are the Respondents:
a) The Union Of India
b) The RBI
c) M/s Speakasiaonline Pte. Ltd.
d) M/s Haren Ventures Publications.
Under this Writ Petition filed by some independent panelists not by the AISPA the main prayer before the Hon. Supreme Court are as follows:

I. The around Rs. 150 Crores which are seized by various authorities be immediately brought under the custody of the Hon. Supreme Court and as per the orders of the Hon. Court the same be disbursed amongst the panelists.

II. That the respondents No. 3 and 4 i.e. SAOL and HVP be ordered to make payments to the panelists.

The matter is now listed on the 10th October, 2011 for hearing. The Hon. Court has issued notice to all the respondents to file their reply.

RBI has seeked some clarification and the company will have to revert back to RBI by first week of October, 2011.

In light of the above we can see that the company is facing up to all the challenges and are fighting the system to be allowed to operate in India.

The company’s Business Module is over board and unlike common perception this is not a money circulation scheme nor is it a pyramid recruitment module.

The company’s Business module is way before its time and is revolutionary in content that is why it may be difficult for people to fully appreciate the module clearly.

I once again call on all the Speakasian Panelists to keep united have patience and trust the company. The company is here to stay and has a long term vision. The company and we will grow together for sure.

Proud to be Speakasian
Jai Speakasia
News Source :- Speak Asia Association

News 2 :- Cases Against Speak Asia Online Pte. Ltd - Judgment Days September 2011

Speak Asia 29 September 2011
According to ( ) Also Know as Speak Asia Latest News We Many Time Faviour Speak Asia Members / Panelist News and Many Time We Oppose Also But Each and Every time We Publish News After Getting Full Information and Having Proof From Government and Official Websites.

In Most of Cases when any Speak Asia News Comes Many Blogs and Websites Do Copy Paste From Websites or Publish the Same Matter which are Mostly Rumors which are Going on Social Networking Sites.

On 27th of September Some Official Blogs and Websites  Publish Things Which Oppose the High Court / Supreme Court Report .
Without Giving Any PIL Number Case Number and Whole Updates Come From Speak Asia Official Website that is Called Rumors . News Without Proof is Known As False / Fake News. 

Cases Against SpeakAsia Updates English Hindi 27 September

According the Them 1st Case is :
VIJAYAWADA MATTER: Talking on Speak Asia Online Pte Ltd Cases in Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad
We Have Already Publish the Whole Thing on 25th September 2011 That Case is 


We Know already on 27 September they Get Anti Sp retry Bail Its Ok. But Tarak Bajapi are  Still Applied  For  AntiSpretry Bail which is Still Pending . 
Mr Tarak Bajapi For His AntiSpretry Bail Filed a Case Number :

CRLP 8958 / 2011

Direct Link :

Mr RAJIV MEHROTRA For His AntiSpretry Bail Filed a Case Number :-

CRLP 8957 2011 Rajiv Mehrotra
Direct Link :

VIJAYAWADA MATTER is Still in Court and Court Also Don't Give a Clear Chit to Tarak Bapai and Others.
We Also Read that Official Website Says :
a) Mr. Dipankar Sarkar who is a simple panelist just like you and me.
Ans : Mr. Dipankar Sarkar 1st Joiner of Speak Asia Online in India . Having a Business of Real Estate Distributor-cum-franchisee of the Speak Asia Online Pte. Ltd. Opened a firm named Kritanj Management and Allied Services, Raipur,. On All Official Papers Their name is Mentioned .More Over All Francaise Report to Them.

Is Speak Asia Official Website Want to Say to  Each  Panelist is Distributor-cum-franchisee Like Dipankar Sarkar.

3. The EOW Case: - Its Ok
4. The Mira Road Case:

5. PIL Filed by AISPA in Mumbai High Court: - 12th October, 2011

See the Court Link :AISPA -  PILL/51/2011
 Mumbai PIL Hearing : 12 October 2011
( If  Mumbai Judgment Comes in Favour of Speak Asia then Peoples Get a Clean Chit From EOW Mumbai  " AS Mumbai PIL DEMANDS ")

6. Delhi Supreme Court PIL - Writ Petion Civil 383 2011
SOLOMON JEMES & & ORS  WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 383 of 2011 " Supreme Court of India  " Filled on 9 September, 2011 its Hearing will Be Now on 

Delhi PIL Hearing : 21 October 2011
( If Delhi Judgment Comes in Favour of Speak Asia then Peoples who wants Exit Option RBI can Give Permission For Opening an Account and Money Transfered " AS DELHI PIL DEMANDS ")

21 October 2011
Check The Supreme Court Website By Yourself :-

                                             Supreme Court Case Status Check
News Source :- Speak Asia Fraud Or Genuine

News 3 :- स्पीक एशिया: सीनियर पैनलिस्ट को जान से मारने की धमकी

अलीगढ़ : स्पीक एशिया वो ऑनलाइन मार्केटिंग कंपनी है जो अपनी राय देने के बदले हर महीने चार हजार रुपये देने का दावा करती थी। जब कंपनी सरकारी जंजाल में फंसी तो कुछ लोग आपस में ही गुत्थम-गुत्था होते दिख रहे हैं। कुछ लोगों ने पैसा न लौटाने पर एक सीनियर पैनलिस्ट को जान से मारने की धमकी दी है।
पुलिस को दिये शिकायत पत्र में रामघाट रोड गली नंबर-2 के अनुहित उपाध्याय ने कहा है कि लोगों ने अपनी मर्जी से स्पीक एशिया में निवेश किया था, कुछ ने पैसा कमाया भी। केंद्र सरकार ने कंपनी के कामकाज पर रोक लगा रखी है इस वजह से लेनदेन ठप है और वेबसाइट भी बंद है। उनका आरोप है कि कंपनी से जुड़े कुछ पैनलिस्ट अपना पैसा लौटाने की मांग रहे हैं। 31 जुलाई को अतरौली इलाके के करीब दर्जनभर लोग उनके घर आये। उनसे अभद्रता की और मारपीट पर उतारू हो गए। पैसा न लौटाने पर जान से मारने की धमकी भी दी। कई बार उन्हें फोन पर भी धमकाया जा चुका है। अनुहित ने डीआइजी, एसएसपी, एसपी सिटी और क्वार्सी थाना पुलिस को पत्र देकर कानूनी कार्रवाई की गुजारिश की है।

ये था प्लान
स्पीक एशिया ने 11000 का निवेश करने पर हर माह 4000 रुपये देने का वादा किया था। पैनलिस्ट को हर हफ्ते दो सर्वे भरकर अपनी राय बतानी थी। कंपनी से 19 लाख लोग जुड़े, इनमें से दस हजार से अधिक लोग अलीगढ़ के हैं।

पैसा वापसी का ऑफर

कानूनी जंजाल से बचने के लिए स्पीक एशिया ने अपने पैनलिस्ट को पैसा लौटाने का ऑफर दिया है हालांकि इसे लागू होने में थोड़ा वक्त लगेगा। कंपनी 10000 रुपये लौटाने को तैयार है, बशर्ते उसे कोई कमाई न हुई हो। जितना कमाया होगा, उतना पैसा काटा जाएगा। 11,000 से ज्यादा कमाने वालों को पैसा नहीं लौटाया जाएगा।

Speak Asia: Every one is depressed, loosing hope
Umesh Pundir
Good Morning to all, Every one is depressed, loosing hope and in the pressure of down line. Every one now better knows that, the things are going systematically , Investigation agencies are submitted their report after investigate this company with every angle, and prove nothing against Speak Asia. 

now RBI invited officials to learn about the business module of company. Guys , some things are need to review. 1) EOW has to submit there reports very soon , as per the direction of HC 2) RBI has 2 weeks , but they can put report any day under two weeks and it’s not need to worry about. 3) EOW can’t hand over site , before HC Judgment. It’s Technical term. 4) Exit option is a positive sign and indicates that ,EOW and Court are positive about panelist payments. 5) The communication between Panelist and management is still alive and they are requested us to bear with them. 6) Management lawyers and other officials are active to resolve the things . 7) Now , HC, SC , and Agencies are involved in this case and any how the things will clear very soon, we are not alone,,,so please keep calm ,any day you may hear a good news.

Speak Asia: Present Status

Umesh Pundir
I read this saying posted on the message board of the very famous and pious St. Michaels Church, Mahim. “Fairness is really what justice is”The entire family of Speak Asian’s are law abiding citizens and have implicit faith in the judicial system of India and indeed in its fairness.

I am going to list out all the legal matters in which the company is involved and their present status:

This was the first matter filed against the company. It is important to note here that an NGO by the name” corporate fraud watch” is very active in Andhra Pradesh and has been in the forefront in their fight against all network marketing companies. This NGO is also embroiled in a legal battle with AMWAY.
This NGO believes that all networking companies are fraudulent in nature and intent. You cannot stop people from having their opinion in independent India.

The current status in this case is that the four accused who were arrested namely:
a) Mr. Dipankar Sarkar who is a simple panelist just like you and me.
b) Mr. Rayees who is an ordinary employee of the company (SAOL).
C) Mr. Ravi Khanna who is again not an employee of the company.
d) Mr. Rahul Shah this poor gentleman is in no way connected to any company even remotely connected with any operation of SAOL and the company counsel Mr. Ponda has gone on record before the Hon. Magistrate in the Esplanade court (Quila Court) and termed his arrest as “picking up a wrong man in a wrong case”. He told the court in Marathi that the authorities are doing whatever they wish without any application of mind.

All the above four have been released on bail yesterday by the Vijayawada Court. Also pertinent to note here is that all the accounts of the franchisees of SAOL were freezed under this Vijayawadamatter.

An individual in no way connected to SAOL filed a criminal PIL in the Mumbai High Court against the Government of Maharashtra.
The main prayer of the PIL was that the petitioner wanted to know of the preparedness of the authorities in preventing internet fraud and cyber crime. The petitioner’s case was not against SAOL per se, although the petitioner maliciously drew on Speak Asia as an example. We all know of the reach and power of our adversary so we can understand how an uninterested petitioner could be easily influenced to implicate SAOL. It is easy to hurl aspersions on everything.

History is witness to how people have even accused our sacred ‘Sita Mata’.

Pertinent to note here is that the Hon. High Court never ordered the Mumbai police (EOW) to investigate SAOL under this PIL they simply asked the EOW to submit a report on the preparedness of the police in preventing cyber crime or internet fraud (which the EOW has failed till date to file).
The overzealous officials of the EOW do the easiest thing available; they target a soft and vulnerable target SAOL, and start investigating this company to make this a showcase example.
The Hon High Court has at a later date, on the prayer of the companies (SAOL) Counsel Mr. Ponda even, observed that the court has in no way ordered the authorities to Investigate the company SAOL and that the EOW needs to investigate this matter independently.
But alas who is to explain unbiased independence.
We the panellists have unflinching faith in the fairness of the EOW and indeed in the Judiciary “Satyamev Jayate”.

3. The EOW Case:

A panellist going by the name of Mr. Khosla files a FIR on 28th July, 2011 at Bandra East Police Station.

The Matter is transferred to EOW and showing great urgency the EOW officials arrested Mr. Tarak Bajpai form his residence in Indore in the middle of the night on 28th itself The EOW has charged the accused i.e.:

a) Mr. Tarak Bajpai COO of SAOL.
b) Mr. Rajeev Mehrotra of M/s Tulsiyant Tech.
c) Mr. Ravi Khanna of M/s Tulsiyant Tech.
d) Mr. Dipankar Sarkar Panelist form Raipur.
e) Mr. Rayees Tech Team SAOL

the investigations are undergoing and all the persons arrested in this case are released on bail.

The company is under the custody of EOW for investigation under this case. The EOW has unto 27th October, 2011 to file their charge sheet (90 days from arrest).

4. The Mira Road Case:
This is an interesting case in point, on how the authorities are hell bent on harassing the company officials and how the only resolve evident is to delay the normalization of the company’s activities.
The case stems from a panellists complaint against its direct up line (Sponsor) the above mentioned persons in the EOW case are not even mentioned in the FIR. Surprisingly the panellist in question Mr. Dipankar Sarkar is not anywhere in the picture in this transaction.
Showing no respect for law or the process the EOW Bhayander without application of mind arrested the four above mentioned persons (except Mr. Rayees) as soon as they were released from the Arthur Road jail on 20th August, 2011.
Pertinent to note here is that the Hon. Magistrate at the Quila Court had disallowed the Transit remand application moved by the EOW Bhayander for the custody of the above mentioned persons.
All the persons arrested under this case have been released on bail.

5. PIL Filed by AISPA in Mumbai High Court: Upon its formation, the first thing the Association (AISPA) did was to move the Hon. High Court Mumbai and filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) putting forth the view point of the 20 lakh Panellists.
The respondents in this matter are:
a) Union of India through Secretary Finance, Govt. of India.
b) Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai
c) State of Maharashtra through its chief Secretary
d) Speak Asia online Pte. Ltd. Singapore.

Besides other issues the PIL made the following Prayer before the Hon. High Court as follows:
I. to examine the records based on which the RBI has issued the impugned circular dated May, 23, 2011 and after examining the same to quash and/or set aside the impugned circular.
ii. To direct respondents No. 1 & 2 to complete the investigation into the affairs of the company in a time bound manner as fixed by the Hon. Court.
iii. That pending the investigation the respondents No’s 1 and 2 be directed to allow the company to make payments to their panellists and allow the EXIT OPTION
The Matter is now kept on 12th October, 2011 for the respondents to file their reply.

6. Writ Petition filed by some Panellists in the Supreme Court: We know a campaign was undertaken by some panellists of sending VAKALATNAMAS to file a WRIT PETITION in the Supreme Court.
The WRIT PETITION was filed by Mr. Solomon James and about 115 more panellists from across the country.
In this Writ Petition the following are the Respondents:
a) The Union of India
b) The RBI
c) M/s Speakasiaonline Pte. Ltd.
d) M/s Haren Ventures Publications.
Under this Writ Petition filed by some independent panellists not by the AISPA the main prayer before the Hon. Supreme Court are as follows:
I. The around Rs. 150 Cores which are seized by various authorities be immediately brought under the custody of the Hon. Supreme Court and as per the orders of the Hon. Court the same be disbursed amongst the panellists.
II. That the respondents No. 3 and 4 i.e. SAOL and HVP be ordered to make payments to the panellists.

The matter is now listed on the 10th October, 2011 for hearing. The Hon. Court has issued notice to all the respondents to file their reply.

Besides these court matters RBI had a meeting with the SAOL officials as informed by the management through the official bloghttp//:

RBI has seeked some clarification and the company will have to revert back to RBI by first week of October, 2011. According to me company has submitted its report

In light of the above we can see that the company is facing up to all the challenges and are fighting the system to be allowed to operate in India.

The company’s Business Module is over board and unlike common perception this is not a money circulation scheme nor is it a pyramid recruitment module.

The company’s Business module is way before its time and is revolutionary in content that is why it may be difficult for people to fully appreciate the module clearly.

I once again call on all the Speak Asian Panellists to keep united have patience and trust the company. The company is here to stay and has a long term vision. The company and we will grow together for sure.

Proud to be Speak Asian

Is SpeakAsia going to be Scam?

Yes! It seems that SpeakAsia is going to be a great Scam of 2011. But Why? and who are behind this? SpeakAsia online Limited, a singapore based survey company started to marketise its product in India and Bangladesh, but It is found that there are very little panelist in Singapore ( the origin of SpeakAsia) do you why? according to some person, because in Singapore anyone can open a office but to get the market you have to move to other location.
Who are behind the SpeakAsia? is Monoj Kumar? (who joined on 11th May 11 as per his speech) and is Tarak Bajpai? No the main person behind SpeakAsia is Haran Kaur. But See she is not in the screen. Can anyone answer it. Yes there is a answer, She is a lady, She is not well in Networking marketing, She is trying to resolve the issue. Dear friends, We are getting some emails and notices from her day after day. But We did not get any solutions till now. Can you tell me what is the meaning of this?

Current Situation

1. Economic Offence Wings (EoW) is going to submit there reports any day as per the direction of High Court. But no body knows is it in favour of SAOL or against SAOL. But we want in favour of Panelist [ Telling the truth from our heart]

2. Reserve Bank of India who are responsible for holding the payments of panelist are also going to submit the report with in next week ( we expecting). We want panelist will get their money back.
3. Speak Asia will not get their money making website soon, And it is not possible easy because only for this website everything is happening, (money circulation game, loosing money, losing hope, and more over losing dearm...) when the Court will give everything is clear then only that time will appear. Only Court knows when it will happen.

4. SpeakAsia's lawyers are trying to proof that Exit option is there for those who are not willing to continue with SpeakAsia, actually it is a lawyers game. Can anyone tell me who will give the money back? The SpeakAsia Management team ( most are disappear) and where is the money? is it with SAOL management's hand or RBI's hand?

5. We found that some blog forums are telling that the communication between Panelist and management is still alive and they are requested us to bear with them. but real matter is most of the panelist are not getting any answer from SAOL management team, it was happen before too.

SpeakAsia panelist want from SAOL management to declare their Management Team in India other than Mr. Manoj Kumar (CEO), Mr. Tarak Bajpai (COO) in their Company. That type of information will give Panelists moral power to associate with the company. We are also hoping from SAOL management that they will declare Indian Management team very shortly for more transparency with the Panelists.
News Source :- The Bhaskar

News 4 :- Speak Asia Bangladesh Ltd. have been completed their registration in Bangladesh
Some source says that SpeakAsiaOnline Registered in Bangladesh...
Speak Asia management is busy in Bangladesh keeping this view in their mind that at least they must start their business in Bangladesh and lastaly they got permission from Bangladesh govt. For your kind information, they have registered Speak Asia in Bangladesh and going to start their business with one branch office and head office of Speak Asia very soon. That is the reason, they are not updating their site for Indian panelists. But it doesn’t mean that they were not serious for Indian panelists and their business in India. All the efforts which they are producing are positive but one thing is clear that they are not going to loose the game and they will do their business at any cost in India. Bangladesh has become the first choice for them while India was their first choice. They will do their business and they are bound to win not to loose in India. Giving you the detail information about it:-
Speak Asia Will Star again from 3rd to 7th October 2011, in new website!!
Speak Asia Bangladesh Ltd. have been completed their registration in Bangladesh and they are also hopeful that they will run in Bangladesh from the next month’s first week. There are also two new offices in Bangladesh. The branch office in Mirpur 12, and the head office is in Banani.
We have visited the branch office which situated in Mirpur 12. It is about 2,000 – 3,000 Sqfts. and it is decoration also completed. And other hand the the head office is in Banani is also opening soon. So this is a big hope for Speak Asia Bangladeshi Panelist.
The management said their operation will be start from next 3rd October or 7th October 2011. Every Panelist will get payout from bank directly.
28 September 2011

Still SpeakAsiaOnline website is under EOW
Good Evening SpeakAsian :-
I would like to tell you that yesterday a positive rumor was there related to Website Release from EOW Mumbai….
I have Got a Reply from Top Management of Speak Asia :-
Its Not True…. Still website is under EOW. They will handover website after Investigation…
But Dont worry , Abhi tak jo bhi hua hai hamarey Haq mein hi ho raha hai  Yeh rumor bhi bohat jald Sach ho jaayega Meri Dua hai Neeli chattri waale se… Soon you will hear good news..
Proud to be speakasian…
Sandeep Vishwakarma
News Source :- Speak Asia Mobi-Club

Speak Asia News 24x7 Dated :- September 2011