Speak Asia News 28 September
News 1:- All SAOL Court Cases Explained by AISPA Secretary Ashok Bahirwani
( Please Visit www.aispa.co.in)
Good Evenings Speakasians,
While returning home from an important meeting with the Associations Advocates I was working out this update in my mind and I had made up my mind on updating all the panelists about the current position viz a viz various legal matters.
I read this saying posted on the message board of the very famous and pious St. Michaels Church, Mahim.
“Fairness is really what justice is”
The entire family of Speakasian’s are law abiding citizens and have implicit faith in the judicial system of India and indeed in its fairness.
I am going to list out all the legal matters in which the company is involved and their present status:-
1. The Vijayawada Court Case
2. First PIL in Mumbai High Court
3. The EOW Case
4. The Mira Road Case
5. PIL Filed by AISPA in Mumbai High Court
6. Writ Petition filed by some Panelists in the Supreme Court
[Please click on the above to see the detail of the case.]
Note:- In all these SIX court cases all cases is in the far of SAOL, because SAOL has a unique business model and not an MLM or Network Marketing. It is purely a Precise Marketing and Consumer Empowerment.
The company’s Business module is way before its time and is revolutionary in content that is why it may be difficult for people to fully appreciate the module clearly.
I once again call on all the Speakasian Panelists to keep united have patience and trust the company. The company is here to stay and has a long term vision. The company and we will grow together for sure.
Proud to be Speakasian
Jai Speakasia
Ashok Bahirwani
News Source :- Speak Asia Mobi-Club
News 2 :- स्पीक एशिया: बाकी के डायरेक्टर कहां चले गये है
Speak Asia online continues to bluff
We have confirmed by SPEAK ASIA BANGLADESH that SPEAK ASIA ONLINE come back in next month first week and they already setup twice office in Dhaka, also the get the registration and business permit-ion from Bangladesh government.
So it is time to wait more 10 days to see what they are going to do. The new website address maybe Speakasiaonline.bd / speakasiabangladesh.com / speakbangladeshonline.com etc.
News Source :- The Bhaskar
Speak Asia News 24x7 Dated :- 28 September 2011
News 1:- All SAOL Court Cases Explained by AISPA Secretary Ashok Bahirwani
( Please Visit www.aispa.co.in)
Good Evenings Speakasians,
While returning home from an important meeting with the Associations Advocates I was working out this update in my mind and I had made up my mind on updating all the panelists about the current position viz a viz various legal matters.
I read this saying posted on the message board of the very famous and pious St. Michaels Church, Mahim.
“Fairness is really what justice is”
The entire family of Speakasian’s are law abiding citizens and have implicit faith in the judicial system of India and indeed in its fairness.
I am going to list out all the legal matters in which the company is involved and their present status:-
1. The Vijayawada Court Case
2. First PIL in Mumbai High Court
3. The EOW Case
4. The Mira Road Case
5. PIL Filed by AISPA in Mumbai High Court
6. Writ Petition filed by some Panelists in the Supreme Court
[Please click on the above to see the detail of the case.]
Note:- In all these SIX court cases all cases is in the far of SAOL, because SAOL has a unique business model and not an MLM or Network Marketing. It is purely a Precise Marketing and Consumer Empowerment.
The company’s Business module is way before its time and is revolutionary in content that is why it may be difficult for people to fully appreciate the module clearly.
I once again call on all the Speakasian Panelists to keep united have patience and trust the company. The company is here to stay and has a long term vision. The company and we will grow together for sure.
Proud to be Speakasian
Jai Speakasia
Ashok Bahirwani
News Source :- Speak Asia Mobi-Club
News 2 :- स्पीक एशिया: बाकी के डायरेक्टर कहां चले गये है
अतुल कुमार
भाइयों में एक बार फिर आपके सामने हाजिर हू पिछली खबर की मै एफआईआर कराउंगा भेजी थी जिसके बदले में मुझे बहुत सारी प्रतिक्रियाए मिली और मैने अपना विचार बदल दिये ।
लेकिन आज मै फिर हाजिर हूँ कुछ और सवालो के साथ सबसे पहला और अहम सवाल यह है कि जो लोग आरबीआई से मिले वह कौन थे क्या वह कम्पनी मैनेजमेंट के लोग थे “शायद इसका जबाब यही होगा हां मगर ऐसा नही था वो लोग कम्पनी के लोग नही थे बल्कि टॉप पैनेलिस्ट थे जो आरबीआई से मिले थे और जब क्रॉस प्रश्न आरबीआई ने किये तब कोई भी जबाब नही दे पाया और आरबीआई ने 15 दिन का समय देकर बापस भेज दिया जिसका समय 4 अक्टूबर को पूरा हो रहा है ।
एक सवाल और है कि कोई भी कम्पनी अकेले एक डायरेक्टर से नही चलती है मेडम हारेन उर्फ हरिन्दर कौर अकेली ही किसी कम्पनी की मालिक नही हो सकती तब बाकी के डायरेक्टर कहां चले गये है मैने पहले भी कहा था कि कम्पनी कि नियत ठीक नही थी क्योंकि जब कम्पनी भारत में अप ना काये करने आई थी तब उसने सीईओ की नियुक्ति क्यों नही की थी जब सव बवाल हुआ तब ही क्यों की सीईओ की नियुक्ति जब कम्पनी के पास बड़े -बड़े वाकील थे तो क्या उन्हे इसकी जानकारी नही मगर पैसे के आगे सब अन्धे हो जाते है ।
अभी तक कोई भी खुलकर सामने नही आया है और न ही आयेगा कोई कहता कि तारक अस्पाताल में है कोई कहता है कि तारक छूट गये है यह सब भ्रमक स्थिती क्यों पैदा हो रही है मैनेजमेंट को सफाई देकर बताना चाहिए कहते स्पीक एषिया एक परिबार है लेकिन जब परिवार ही संकट में तब मुखिया का क्या फर्ज होना चाहिए बोलो.
भाइयों अब कुछ लोग ज्योतिश्य पर बात कर रहे है और कह रहे है कि नबम्बर में सही होगा कोई 14 जनबरी कह रहा है सब बकवास है मै खुद ज्योतिश्य पर बहुत भरोसा करता हूँ. मगर एक बात है कि ग्रहों की स्थिती को कोई नही बदल सकता है खुद ब्रम्हा भी नही।
मैन बात यह है कि 4 अक्टूबर तक अगर मैनेजमेंट खुद आरबीआई से नही मिला तब आरबीआई कभी भी स्पीक एषिया को क्लीन चिट नही दे सकता है क्योकि जिसका कोई नही होता वो लवारिस कहलता है। और भारत का कानून कभी इसकी इजाजत नही दे सकता और कम्पनी प्रबन्धक भी यही चांहता है और इसी रिपोर्ट पर निर्भर करता है 10 व 12 अक्टूबर का फैसला भी
क्योंकि कम्पनी ने करौड़ो रुपये कमाये है और साथ साथ टॉप लीडरों नरे भी कमाया है पिसे तो वह लोग है जिन्होने अभी हाल ही में ज्वाइन किया है।
और एक बात दोस्तों याद रखों जिस घर के मुखिया का पता नही चल रहा हो उस घर का नश्ट होना ही पड़ता है।
Speak Asia online continues to bluff
All the noise that speakasiaonline (saol) has been making like to rbi that they want banking facility in india in order to pay their panelists is an eyewash. What they are going to pay to panelists is via their exit option that is skewed against panelists if there reward points (rps) are more than 11k paid as initial membership fees. These panelists will get nothing and will be asked to use their accumulated rps to buy their advertised products of an unknown brand and quality or convert to subscription codes to make more gullible indians as panelists and thereby encash their rps. Primary income of saol is from this MLM source. Maximum panelists are in this category.
I am surprised that the mumbai high court has overlooked such an important deception on the part of saol. Rbi must not give it permission to open a bank account in india or release of bank accounts of its franchisees nor the roc to register this MLM until and unless they pay in cash panelists their accumulated rps and also their membership fees if panelists want to exercise an exit option.
Though eow mumbai may have lost the case against saol in mumbai high court on september 7, 2011, as per media news, the matter is still sub-judice in the andhra pradesh high court as of now where CID that has blocked the bank accounts of saol/Hvp franchisees and other associates continues its investigation.
The government of india must also be requested to create a regulator for mlms if not ban these mlms on indian soil or via virtual nets. They have created a lot of misery for indians.
Saol Panelist
Lucknow, Uttar pradesh
Though eow mumbai may have lost the case against saol in mumbai high court on september 7, 2011, as per media news, the matter is still sub-judice in the andhra pradesh high court as of now where CID that has blocked the bank accounts of saol/Hvp franchisees and other associates continues its investigation.
The government of india must also be requested to create a regulator for mlms if not ban these mlms on indian soil or via virtual nets. They have created a lot of misery for indians.
Saol Panelist
Lucknow, Uttar pradesh
Speak Asia Will Star Again From 3rd to 7th Octber, in new website!!
Muhammad Mehedi Menafa / CHANDRA SHEKHAR
Speak Asia Bangladesh Ltd. have been completed their registration in Bangladesh. And they also hopeful that they will run in Bangladesh in from month's first week. There are also two new offices in Bangladesh. The branch office in Mirpur 12, and the head office is in Banani.
We have visited the branch office which situated in Mirpur 12. It is about 2,000 - 3,000 Sqfts. and it is decoration also completed. And other hand the the head office is in Banani is also opening soon. So this is a big hope for Speak Asia Bangladeshi Panelist.
The management said their operation will be start from next 3rd October or 7th October 2011. Every Panelist will get payout from bank directly.
So it is time to wait more 10 days to see what they are going to do. The new website address maybe Speakasiaonline.bd / speakasiabangladesh.com / speakbangladeshonline.com etc.
News Source :- The Bhaskar
Speak Asia News 24x7 Dated :- 28 September 2011