Speak Asia News 26 October 2011
News 1
Dear SpeakAsians,
News Source :- Speak Asia Online Marketing
News 2
Speak Asia News 24x7 Dated :- 26 October 2011
News 1
Speak Asia Had Responded Very Hard On False Media Report
Dear SpeakAsians,
Please find attached the actions initiated against a leading media house for having falsely reported certain news items about our company and its COO, we urge all of you to kindly not pay attention to such false and misleading reports.
News 2
स्पीक एशिया: भ्रामक खबरों के खिलाफ कानूनी कार्रवाई की घोषणा
सेन्ट्रल डेस्क
एमएलएम लीडर एवं स्पीक एशियन अनिल कालवानी ने एक मेल के माध्यम से दभास्कर.कॉम को बताया है कि स्पीक एशिया का मैनेजमेंट उस अखबार के खिलाफ कानूनी कार्रवाई करने की तैयारी कर रहा है जिसने स्पीक एशिया के सीओओ तारक वाजपेयी के फरार होने की खबर प्रकाशित की थी। सनद रहे कि इस अखबार का नाम टाइम्स ऑफ इंडिया है, जिसने सबसे पहले यह खबर ब्रेक की। हम इस मेल को यथावत प्रकाशित कर रहे हैं। आप भी पढि़ए क्या कुछ लिखा है श्री कालवानी ने :-
New Delhi: Reports were out on a daily that Tarak Bajpai, COO of SpeakAsia, who was denied anticipatory bail by a Hyderabad court recently, has disappeared. After the message was out, company published a message on its official website that these reports are completely false and unbearable.
Company has also decided to take a legal action against the daily which has published these reports.
Here is what SpeakAsia said on its official website:
The false news about TARAK SIR that "Mr. Tarak Bajpai Disappeared", had been published in a daily on 24/October/2011. This news is totally baseless and company's legal team is filling case against the daily.
In there news they have said an officer from EOW or CID they haven't mentioned the name of that officer they said that an officer don't know where is Tarak sir, I don't know how they can say this kind of foolish thing. Speak Asians are getting United that's why they published such a malicious news.
Some source says Mr. Tarak Bajpei admitted in hospital...
Good News for all of us again... Honorable Justice R C Lahoti Submitted his NOC to Supreme Court...!! So Formation and Plans of a Working Committee has started from today...!! This Committee will be headed by Hon'ble Justice Lahoti and members will be one from EOW, One from CBDT, Couple of RBI officers, Couple of SAOL representatives and one Panelist... Thanks to Mr. Solomon James and Team for showing an extra ordinary effort of filing a PIL against Govt agencies ... We all will soon get our money and Business shall Restart soon ... Jai Speak Asia... Proud to be a Speak Asian.
News Source :- The Bhaskar
Speak Asia News 24x7 Dated :- 26 October 2011