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Thursday, 27 October 2011

Speak Asia News 27/10/2011

Speak Asia News 27 October 2011 
News 1

Open Letter No. 2 to Hon. Justice Shri Mateen Hafeez. by Ashok Bahirwani Secretary Aispa

Open Letter No. 2 to Hon. Justice Shri Mateen Hafeez.

Hon. Justice Sahib,

Pranam Nyayaadeesh mahoday Sahibji. Here is wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous happy Deepawali. I hope and pray that you are blessed with all the blessings of Goddess Laxmi mataji and you and your entire family gets the entire prosperity equivalent to the millions of diyas lit today across the country.

Judge Sahibji I understand that it takes time to get off the high pedestal one puts himself on, even if it is imaginary like in your case. I am sure, you have almost assumed yourself, to be the investigator, prosecutor and judge and I have abundantly made myself clear in my earlier open letter, why I think so.

Hafeezji, Once again in your report of October 26th you mischievously captioned your report “Fraud Firm Investors vent ire on cops” your caption itself is erroneous on three counts as follows:

1. First and foremost only a person of low gravitas like you can keep calling Speakasia Online Pte. Ltd Fraud without any basis and any matter.

2. There are NO INVESTORS in the entire model. I know you know what the truth is; it is another thing that you are not paid to acknowledge this.

3. Hafeezji, you are not supposed to call your masters ‘cops’. The word Cops is slang. Anyway, I am not surprised, as by now I am well aware of your level of integrity, intelligence and knowledge.

What is most amusing is that in your entire report you have not even once reported any incident explaining your caption. You have failed to bring to anybody’s notice any incident of any investor [sic] venting any ire on cops. Sorry Hafeezji, I expect too much from reporters especially from you, my sincere apologies I forget you suffer from short term memory loss.

Mr. Hafeezji, without wasting my time trying to find any sense in your motivated and malicious report, try using logic to explain to an illogical mind like yours. I hereby publicly invite you to engage me in a public debate before a panel of eminent journalists and senior retired High Court Judges. I promise you, I will issue a public apology, and will shave off my moustache, if I am proved wrong. If you are proved wrong Judge Sahib, you simply publish the result of the outcome; we don’t even expect an apology from you.

Before I end my letter to you Hafeezji, let me clear a few things, which you have tried to write between the lines in your report, under protest here as follows:

I, on behalf of the entire 20 lakh panelists of Speakasia online Pte Ltd., do hereby place on record that none of us wish you not to report on the SAOL matter; all we wish is that you report the factual position.

Sarva Shri Hafeezji, How do you say that some Panelists are still duping unsuspecting investors, when no fresh and new joining are possible, when the website in your own words is defunct?

Hafeezji, I am really finding it difficult to affix the ji to your name but my culture, upbringing and experience forces me to address you respectfully and I will continue doing so.

For your kind Information, and I draw your attention to para 4, where you unknowingly mention that the police has so far arrested 8 persons, and you go on to add that almost all of these 8 persons are the employees of the company. Mr. Hafeezji, you are once again absolutely wrong and as far away from the truth as the horizon is from the sky, let me bring to your attention that save and except Mr. Tarak Bajpai, our most revered and inspirational COO (note: I have for the first time not affixed ji to his name as I am using ji today to people of low gravitas) none of the other persons arrested in the matter are direct employees of SAOL.

Hafeezji, at times, I feel you are dynamic at least in some matters you keep growing, like you were saying earlier that this fraud [sic] was 8000 crores, then in your last report you reported the fraud to approx 14000 crores. In your article of 9th August you reported 100 complaints have been received by the EOW, in the present report you are reporting 200 complaints. It seems, you are getting remuneration equivalent to the number of cases and the volume of fraud. Suddenly, I feel sorry for you, as in the end analysis, you will see that there are only a handful of cases and worst of all, that this IS NOT A FRAUD. There go all your imaginary facts and figures. Sorry Hafeez bhai extremely sorry for spoiling your party.

Judge Sahibji, you address “these so called spokesperson” have earned a lot of money. Sirji I am Ashok Bahirwani, Secretary AISPA, and official spokesperson, you will be surprised to know that I, have not earned a single penny from Speakasia. If this entire matter is a fraud like you try to bring out to be, then judge sahib I am the victim, someone who needs to be protected and not a candidate for arrest.

I am fighting for my money, and for the monies of the entire speakasian family.

Let me also bring to your kind attention that on August 19th, after the Associations Press Conference, we have submitted a memorandum addressed to the respectful EOW officials explaining our stand and opinion.

Hafeezji, people who take up issues, and fight for the rights of a huge majority, do not fear the outcome.

I am sure you have heard the famous saying “Sarfaroshi ki tammana, ab humare dil me hain. Dekhna hai zor kitna baazuyein kaatil me hain”

Sirji, finally I want to draw your attention to the fact that the company SAOL is before the Supreme Court and on record stating their intention of paying ALL THE PANELIST their entire dues, sorry Hon. Hafeezji you are justice above the Supreme Court. YOU ARE MR. KNOW ALL.

Mateen, mere bhai, allow me to quote from the ‘Rig Veda’

“One should perform, for the benefit of mankind, with an unbiased approach… because bias gives birth to evil, which creates thousands of obstacles in our path”

Hafeezji, are you not surprised that this family of over 20 lakh Speakasians have implicit faith in the company. This family has not received any money, from the company, for over 5 months now, and are still supporting the company.

The company is on record before the Supreme Court, to pay ALL its panelists. Why are you in the way?

Proud to be Speakasian….. actually very proud

Warm Regards,
Ashok Bahirwani

A Letter was send to toi reporter in response to the article given below .

News Source :- 3g Bizz
Speak Asia News 24x7 Dated :- 27 October 2011