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Sunday, 4 December 2011


speakasiaonlinemarketing.blogspot update

Dear Speak Asians,

The past few weeks have been very eventful. While we are very happy that the first hearing of the committee appointed by the honorable Supreme Court for mediating amongst various parties concerned under the capable stewardship of the former Chief Justice of India, Justice P.N Lahoti, met towards the end of November and started the process of mediation in the right earnest.
However ever since this hearing, the entire speak Asians community inclusive of the company and its employees, panelist and their family members including both women and old parents have become the target of  a renewed malicious campaign by the authorities. This started with the arrest of Mr. Melvin Cresto, President of the AISPA and also this followed up with the arrest of Mr. Ashish Dandekar, Regional Manager of our company.  Both these actions are highly deplorable as they come in the back drop of the mediation process already set in motion. We are given to believe though reliable sources that a senior officer of EOW has gone on to state that there will be more such arrests in the very near future with an aim of spreading panic amongst the panelist community which till now has been the major source of strength for the company.
We would like to assure all our stake holders that we will leave no stone unturned, not only to resolve the current situation but also to restart our business at the earliest. All our endeavors are aimed towards ensuring that our entire community including our employees, panelist and business associates is in no way inconvenienced any further.

Warm regards,
SpeakAsia Corporate Marketing Team