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Sunday, 2 October 2011

Speak Asia News 02/10/2011

Speak Asia News 02 Octoberber 2011
News 1 :- Update from Corporate Marketing Team

Dear SpeakAsians,
Certain sections of the media have once again carried reports that are  false, unsubstantiated and  baseless allegations against the company.
 The arrest of Mr. Nayan Khandoor of Brand saloon Inc. is very unfortunate and disturbing.  Mr. Khandoor's company had been hired by SpeakAsia Online PTE. Ltd. to carry out the tasks of search engine optimization and adapting the content and language of the surveys that were uploaded to suit the Indian environment.
 Mr. Khandoor"s company did not create any content on his own and has only merely carried out a commissioned work given to him by the company. 
While the unfortunate trail by the media continues on our company, the authorities are yet to file a single charge sheet in the court despite taking  all measures that they deemed necessary for the investigation.
 This only leads us to believe that in absence of any substantial evidence against the company, the authorities are now aiming at spreading mis-communication with-in our SpeakAsia family. 
We are on our final lap and urge all of you to keep faith in the company and emerge victorious along with it.

Warm regards

SpeakAsia Corporate Marketing Team.

News Source :- Speak Asia Online Marketing

News 2 :- Speak Asia 2 October News 2011

Good Evening Speakasians,

I have been saying over a length of time that SAOL is under attack and is battling a powerful adversary and now a misguided media is unknowingly sitting in “arbitration of opportunity”.

The appalling carnage spread by the media on SAOL is unheard of and I place my fiercest objection to this.
The power and reach of the media is being misused to deprive lakhs of Speakasia panelists the right to earn a respectful earning. This is the highest degree of Human Right Violation.

The events over the last couple of day’s shows the lack of imagination of the press media and how they are reporting senselessly and attempt to sensationalize simple events into major breaking news items.

On Friday September 30, 2011 Mumbai Mirror reported “Another SpeakAsia official behind bars”.

The arrest of Mr. Sanjeev Dandona who was supposed to be the senior financial consultant is most hilarious. First and foremost Mr. Sanjeev Dandona is in no way a SAOL consultant or a direct employee of the company SAOL. Mr. Sanjeev Dandona was an associate of the Master Distributor/Franchisee of HVP M/s Kritanj Management & AlliedServices.

It seems that Mr. Dandona has parted ways with Kritanj almost 6 to 7 months back.

The funny part is that how the reporter is falsely reporting that he (Mr. Dandona) was involved in transferring crores of rupees to Singapore trying to make this absolutely legit transaction into something illegal and wrong.

I wish to remind the reporting team that M/s Kritanj Management & Allied Services are the Master Franchisee of HVP and it is evident that all the money is routed through this account into the accounts of HVP in Singapore.

What may I ask the reporting team is wrong in this transaction when the entire transaction is through proper legal banking channels?

Are you surprised that a company can actually have a clean and overboard transaction.

The reporter team goes on to explain how SAOL is a multilevel marketing company where investors [sic] are supposed to make more members. We all Speakasians know that this statement cannot be more far from reality than it is as stated by the author.

Dear author why do not you understand the business model, please do your homework, just don’t publish work without doing your research. There is absolutely no hanky panky going on here the entire process is overboard as is evident from the investigation that crores of Rupees were transferred to Singapore and this was done only because the company was head quartered in Singapore and most of the money has come back into the accounts of the panelists again through proper banking channels.

Mr. Author it is not compulsory for any panelist to make any new member, referring the business model to other members is only one of the revenue generating avenues and no way is it compulsory.

The beauty of this model is that no activity is compulsory a panelist is free to choose what activity he/she wants to partake in.

I ask you what is wrong in the business model of the company or the transactions.
Various reports from your bureau have been published on the matter of SAOL may I ask you what is the inference drawn by your bureau upto now. I am sure you must have at least figured out prima facie what is wrong with the company.

On Saturday October 1, 2011 Mr. Abhijit Sathe again of the Mumbai Mirror filed the following report:
“Speak Asia dint have clients, Surveys were fake” Passing judgments is not a journalists prerogative but that is besides the point, Passing judgmental reviews in a matter which is sub judice is again bad in law and amounts to the highest degree of “Contempt of Court” but then with falling standards of journalism we do not expect the journalists to behave in a way worthy of a professional journalist and we absolve them of their short comings after all we Speakasians are magnanimous at heart.

I wish to explain to my Panelist brethren the factual position as follows:
We all know that the E zines we received used to have links as found on Wikipedia.
This company the brand Saloon (Inc) is a company which was a vendor for SAOL. This company was hired for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) work. This company brand Saloon (Inc) was also hired to indigenize the content for E zines.

The company SAOL has never said anywhere that they conducted only “commissioned surveys“ on the contrary the company has gone on record to say that the company is into “Precision Mass Marketing” and one of the activities undertaken by the company is to gather opinion of its panelists on various issues and subjects spread over various verticals, industries and services.

The Company has an ever growing and dynamic data base of various surveys which they place on the international panel exchanges for sale. From the feedback on such exchanges the company makes a shortlist of surveys they wish to conduct from the Speakasia panel.

The moot question is: what is a fake survey? A survey at worst may be a useless survey which has no takers or may not be saleable, but how can any survey be called fake.

The surveys conducted were most of the time “stock surveys” for the survey data bank of the company they may not have been commissioned but in “NO WAY ANY SURVEY OF THE COMPANY CAN BE CLASSIFIED AS FAKE”.

I am sure the author is not biased against the company he probably does not have the required knowledge and acumen to understand the business of Surveys after all not everybody is an “empowered consumer”

On Friday, there was news doing the rounds that the Panelists moved WRIT PETITION which was posted for hearing on 10th October had now been posted for 21st November, 2011. We were shocked at this new development and found that this happened because it was evident that some agency wanted to delay the matter.
We have however taken corrective measures and will ensure that the matter is not delayed to such an extent and we will move heaven and earth to see that the matter is heard in October itself.

The only crime of this company SAOL is that its business model is way ahead of its time, it is a revolutionary business model and it is one of the few avenues where one can earn millions of rupees in a 100% legal way and most importantly in the time frame you feel comfortable in.

Friends remember the song from three idiots: Jab life ho out of control, honthon ko kar ke gol Seeti bajaa ke bol Aal Izzz Well. Aree bhaiyaa all izz well, Aree chachu aal izz well, Aree bhaiyaa all izz well

And for media and authorities this from the same song: Confusuin hi confusion hai Solution kuch pata nahin…. Solution jo mila to saala, Question kya tha pata nahin.

Jai Speakasia

Proud to be a Speakasian

News Source :- Speak Asia Association

News 3 :- Speak Asia Online BD Limited Changed to Maa Polycom Limited

Speak Asia Online BD Limited
A Old Rumors Again get Circulated By Unknown and fake Sources . On 18th of August 2011 this Rumors also Spreed Online that Speak Asia Has Been Registered in India . Its Because a Company name " SPEAK ASIA ONLINE BD LIMITED " was Pvt Company which is Registered in Bangladesh on 11 August 2010 with Registration No - CH - 7896 .

Certificate SpeakAsia Online BD Limited
This Certificate Clearly Mentioned that a Company name Speak Asia Online BD Limited is Registered on  
CH - 7896 / 10 . This Certificate Also Clearly mention that this company is registered in Bangladesh on 11 August 2010 means 1 Year Before.

Speak Asia Online bd Limited Registration Information

After Registration of Speak Asia Online BD Limited on 11 August 2011 on 26th August 2011 they have changed Name Maa Polycom Limited

Speak Asia Online BD Pvt Ltd Changed to Maa Polycom Limited
But in Bangladesh Government Website that Name Remains in Database so Some people Circulated the rumor again . 

On 18th August This Rumors is Also Spread Read Our Article :

News Source :- Speak Asia Fraud Or Genuine

News 4 :- Speak Asia: A to Z about SAOL by now
Today is 1st of october,2011. both the dates 21st and 24th of September have been passed but nothing satisfactory happened by which we may be assured that company will surely come back or not and we shall get our money back. So, the time has come that we should analyse all about SAOL's activities by now. The company started with its unique bussiness module( As mostly of speakasians say) in February 2010. During the period of February,2010 to February,2011 company organised many seminars, grand meetings and training camps etc. in five or seven star hotels and recommended general people like us to join it by making us dreamed of our great and wealthy future.

Oh! we, poor, innocent and unemployed people were caught in SAOL's spidery illusion(MAKAR JAAL). And this is the way by which SAOL sold 4 lac subscriptions and prepared a good group of 4 lac penalists. After February,2011 company brought smart phone and LCD TV gift programme and announcement of increase of subscription cost which accelerated joinings into rocket speed. And as a result there was a huge size of 20 lac penalists of company only within two and a half of a month(upto 11th of May,2011). It is necessary to mention here that the penalists who joined the company upto February,2011 were fortunate and mostly of them earned equal to their subscription cost or more than that also but the penalists who purchased their subscriptions after that were so unfortunate that none of them got a penny also because all their earned RPs in wallets did not become credited into their bank accounts because of accounts of company being frozen by RBI. It needs to notice that there were only 4 lac penalists in company upto February,2011 and so it is completely obvious that other 16 lac penalists who joined after February,2011 never got a penny also. If media is saying that SAOL has deceived 12 lac people it is not wrong. Anybody can easily calculate it. In fact company would certainly have sold 12 lac subscriptions through its frenchises and all their cost went to company as cash money which becomes equal to 12 lac X 11000 = 1320 caror INR. And everybody knows that after 11th of May,2011, SAOL has given nothing but only promises. From 11th of May, 2011,after media's invasion, SAOL started saying that company knew that media and its competitors were about to cause it such problem. But I can not understand that if company knew that all these bad was about to happen then why its management do nothing to prevent this coming problem.

 Factually then company was busy only in accumulating money and was completely deaf and blind towards its weaker portions and this was the reason that media and its(company's) competitors got chance to bring trouble to it. Will anybody tell me that who is responsible for this? There will be only one answer and that is SAOL's management. One more thing needs to notice that payment was about to be start from 3rd of August. But, meanwhile, on 29th of July,2011 Mr.Tarak Bajpai, COO of company had been arrested by EOW Mumbai before payment started. Now a question arises in my mind that neither company had gotten its registration in India nor RBI had allowed to make payments then how SAOL was about to start payment? what were arrangements made by company to start payments and were those arrangements failed only because of arrests of some officials of company? Does it not beyond the limit of anyone's comprehension? Mr. Tarak Bajpai was being arrested again and again and so company determined to get anticipatory bail from Suprime Court so that no police of any other state could arrest any of SAOL's officials till coming six months. Mr. Ashok Bahirwani, the secretary of AISPA, had also stated that Mr. Tarak( in Mr. Ashok Bahirwani's words-Babbar Sher) would get bail soon and everything would be on track. But neither Mr. Tarak I mean Babbar Sher got anticipatory bail nor came out and nor anything became normal.
Let's talk  something about Madam Haren Kaur and Mr. Manoj Kumar. Both of them are out of the country for escapement from their arrests by today. And in this way three top officials of SAOL are disappear from front and are playing their roles only from behind the curtain. How will company come onto track? We should also talk something about Exit-policy. A few days before Madam Haren Kaur had announced via a mail that there would be some good news upto 10th of September, 2011 and that good news was a ridicule of Exit-option. Ha!-----ha!-----ha!------ha!---- Exit-option, an amusing instrument, a beautiful toy for penalists to get slept the demon of impatience in their hearts. Don't you know that Exit will succeed only when RBI grants a permission to make payments? And neither RBI will grant a permission and nor our money will come into our bank accounts. Since Madam Haren Kaur had announced for some good news and she had to show something good and so she played a good policy to keep her words and as a result Exit-option is before you. SAOL management always used to say that Govt. agencies never gave it time to explain its bussiness module and working machinery and there was no support of them to solve the problem and this is because that company was facing many difficulties in its work. But according to H. C. order RBI gave time to SAOL management to explain its business module and solve the issue on 20th of September,2011. RBI's top six officials discussed for a long time with speakasia management and spokesperson in a very cordial atmosphere. But in spite of all its efforts SAOL management failed to satisfy RBI's officials completely and RBI got chance to postpone the matter for two weeks more. In fact SAOL management is too indiscreet and weak in its preparation to check Govt. authorities to use their time assuming technics. And therefore it is very much clear that the company which management have this type of imprudent and unconcious officials, neither can satisfy any Govt. agency nor can settle the isssue within another year also. So dear brothers, this the raelity of SAOL by now. Now it is very much possible that our money to be back is only a day-dream and we should come out of that. Today, not only our money but our esteem and social relations and status also in danger because of this company. So brothers, don't be proud of speakasian but we should be ashamed of being aspeakasian.

खबर का खंडन: स्पीक एशिया: विनोद चौरसिया ने अपनी जेब से भुगतान करना चालू किया"

TPS Parmar
द भास्कर के समस्त सम्मानित पाठक गणों को सूचित करना है कि यह खबर पूर्णतया निराधार व् गलत है और खबर भेजने वाले ने फर्जी मेल आइo डीo का प्रयोग किया है, विनोद चौरसिया को सपने किसी देवी ने दर्शन नहीं दिए है, ये किसी मूर्ख व्यक्ति ने निहायत ही घटिया शरारत क़ी है, खबर में टी० पी० एस० परमार को विनोद चौरसिया का पर्सनल पी० ए० बताया गया है जबकि यह गलत है मैं और विनोद चौरसिया एक अच्छे मित्र हैं.
काश ऐसा होता कि देवी जी ने चौरसिया जी या मुझे दर्शन दिए होते, साथ ही उस खजाने का पता भी बताया होता जहाँ से स्पीक एशिया के लोगो को पैसा बाँट दिया जाता, हम दोनों का तो जीवन ही धन्य हो जाता परन्तु ऐसी कृपा हम लोगों पर नहीं हुई, मैं देवी माता से यह प्रार्थना अवश्य करूँगा कृपया स्पीक एशिया के मुझ सहित दुखियों क़ी पुकार सुने तथा स्पीक के हक में फैसला कराये और स्पीक एशिया को दिन दुनी रात चोगुनी तरक्की करने का वरदान दे परन्तु साथ ही ऐसी गलत खबर को फ़ैलाने वालों को भी सद्बुद्धि भी दे कि किसी के नाम का इस प्रकार गलत प्रयोग करना ठीक नहीं,

वैसे ये जो भी हमारा शुभचिन्तक है उसने बहुत ही अच्छा काम किया हैं उसने हमें पूरे भारत में हमें मशहूर कर दिया है, किसी ने शायद यह खबर मेल के द्वारा भी लोगो को भेजी है और फेसबुक पर भी प्रसारित क़ी है मुझे और चौरसिया जी को आज दिन में कम से कम 100 फोन आये हैं लोगों ने कहा आप बहुत अच्छा काम कर रहें है और प्रोत्साहन भी दिया, कुछ बेचारे बहुत लाचार भी लगे, लेकिन हमें उस व्यक्ति के इस कृत्य से काफी खयाति मिली है, एक नेटवर्कर को और क्या चाहिए एक सोलिड डाटा बैंक तैयार हो गया है इससे पहले भी कुछ लोगों ने हमारे विषय में उलटी सीधी बातें लिख कर मुझे और विनोद चौरसिया को बदनाम करने कि कोशिश कि है लेकिन वो नहीं जानते कि जाने अनजाने हमारा कितना बड़ा प्रचार कर रहें हैं, प्रचार के लिए धन्यवाद और उन्हें हुई असुविधा के लिए खेद है,

वैसे मैं आपकी जानकारी में लाना चाहूँगा कि नवरात्री के इन पावन दिनों में देवी माँ की कृपा विनोद चौरसिया और परमार पर हो गयी है, विनोद चौरसिया को एक बड़े बैनर क़ी कम्पनी मिल गयी है यह कम्पनी जल्द ही लॉन्च होने जा रही है कम्पनी के पार्टनर पहले ही दिन से दो करोड़ रुपये का बेकअप लेकर चलने का प्लान कर रहें हैं, प्रोडक्ट बेस कम्पनी है, प्रोडक्ट के साथ एक लाख से दस लाख का बीमा भी होगा, हर सप्ताह कुछ साईट ब्रिजिंग करनी होंगी, प्रतिफल 40 प्रतिशत होगा, बायनरी और डायरेक्ट क़ी इनकम के साथ दिवाली धमाके तौर पर रिवार्डस भी है, खास बात ये है एम् एल एम् जगत से जुड़े एक करोड़ लोगों का डाटा कम्पनी के पास है जोकि कम्पनी के सदस्यों को उपलब्ध होगा, जिसके द्वारा कोई भी नेटवर्कर अपना नेटवर्क डवलप कर सकता है, कम्पनी क़ी लॉन्चिंग 10 दिन बाद हो रही है, अधिक जानकारी के लिए 0 -9997788808 नंबर पर संपर्क करें, अपनी डिटेल  मेल आइo डीo पर मेल करें

टी० पी० एस० परमार

Thanks & Regards

TPS Parmar

speakasia: rbi taraf se 99.99% green signal

hardik raymangia,
dear all speakasian good mor  Today according to cnbc news rbi ask the saol managment for security deposit 155 cr to restart business in india so friend RBI given green signal for saol mangement so hope for best.
"We are bound to win and we will definitely win"

from: dhaval raymangia  gujarat kutch
facebook: lovely dhaval

स्पीक एशिया: केवल इंडिया मे ही ये बवाल है

झलक इंडिया (मुंबई)
स्पीक एशिया बांग्लादेश मे रिजिस्टर्ड हो चुकी है, अप्रूवल मिल चुका है, ——— ईस न्यूज़ को सभी के सभी जान चुके है, सभी ने ईस न्यूज़ की तहकीकात कर ली  है ( ईओW, मुंबई पोलीस, सभी इंडियन्स मीडीया चॅनेल्स, सभी इंडियन गवरमेंट एजेन्सीस, गोपाल शेखावत, प्रवीण चंदन ,किरीट सोमाया, प्रिंट मीडीया, एलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स मीडीया, र्बी एट्सेटरा. सभी ने ईस बात की तहकीकात कर ली  है और स्पीक एशिया के रिजिस्टर्ड होने की खबर को जान चुके है) अब बतलाओ की किसी भी सोर्स ने ईस बात को ग़लत साबित किया है,?  किसी ने भी ईस बात खंडन  किया?  नही?
तो क्यो नही किया???? अब क्यो आँखे बंद है इन सभी समाज के ठेकेदारों की ????? ,(अगर दम है तो मेरे सवालों का जबाब दो सीएनबीसी, मनीकॉनट्रोल स्टारन्यूज़ ज़ीन्यूज़ )है मेरे सवाल का जबाब  ????
नही है और होगा भी नही , क्यूँ की जिस तरह स्पीक एशिया बांग्लादेश मे रिजिस्टर्ड हो चुकी है, अप्रूवल मिल चुका है, ये न्यूज़ 10000% सत्य है. उसी तरह सभी (ईओW, मुंबई पोलीस, सभी इंडियन्स प्रिंट मीडीया चॅनेल्स, न्यूज़चेनल सभी इंडियन गवरमेंट एजेन्सीस,) पूरी तरह भ्रेस्टचार की दलदल मे पूरी तरह गले तक डूब चुके हो ये बात भी 10000% सत्य है

स्पीक एशिया का बांग्लादेश मे रिजिस्टर्ड और एस्टॅब्लिश और बांग्लादेश सरकार के द्वारा अप्रूवल देना इंडिया के  ईओW को बर्दाश्टत नही हो रहा है. ईओW  के पेट मे दर्द शुरू हो चुका है. बांग्लादेश मे स्पीक एशिया को रिजिस्टर्ड होने के बाद किसी भी देश की सरकार को ऊस्के अगेन्स्ट कोई भी एक्शन  लेना मुस्किल हो जाएगा और बात एकदम सॉफ है की केवल इंडिया मे ही ये बवाल है स्पीक एशिया के अगेन्स्ट मे. एन मार्ट  का गोपाल शेखावत ओर आर एम पी का प्रवीण चंदन ये दोनो अब  काफ़ी परेशान है और अपनी कंपनी एन मार्ट ओर आर एम पी को बचाने के लिए पूरे इंडिया मे सेमिनार कर रहे  है और वो भी 1 दिन मे 20-20 सेमीमर.......................बांग्लादेश मे स्पीक एशिया को मिला  रजिस्ट्रेशन गोपाल शेखावत को परेशान कर रहा है और ऊसे दर्द दे रहा है . अभी 2 गिरफ़्तारियाँ ईसी का एग्ज़ॅंपल हैं. गोपाल शेखावत ओर प्रवीण चंदन स्पीक एशिया को लेकर  किसी भी हुद तक जाने के लिए तैयार है, वो कुछ भी करके स्पीक एशिया को बर्बाद करवाना चाह्ते है. ईस काम के लिए उन दोनो  ने करोड़ो रुपया मीडिया ओर इंडिया के कुछ भ्रष्ट नेताओ को दिया है ओर भी  बहुत सारा रुपया  पानी की तरह बहाया है. खैर — मुदै लाख बुरा चाहे तो क्या होता है– गोपाल शेखावत कुछ भी कर ले, पर ऊसे मूह की खानी ही पड़ेगी. कम से कम सुप्रीम कोर्ट आज के दिन मे इंडिया मे काफ़ी ऑनेस्ट्ली काम कर रही है और सुप्रीम कोर्ट बेईमान पॉलिटिशियन्स और भारत  लोगो के खिलाफ एक्शन  भी लेने से नही चूक रही है. सुप्रीम कोर्ट स्पीक एशिया के दुश्‍मनो को  को पूरा – पूरा मौका और समय दे रही है और सुप्रीम कोर्ट भी अब जान चुकी है सारा का सारा माजरा
 ईओW और मुंबई पोलीस भी है की काफ़ी हाथ पैर मार के भी कुछ नही मिल पा रहा है स्पीक एशिया के अगेन्स्ट. बदहवासी मे ये लोग किसी ना किसी को अरेस्ट कर के माहुल गरम करना चाह रहे है और चाह रहे है की कुछ मिल जाए स्पीक एशिया के अगेन्स्ट. पर खोदा पहाड़ और निकली चुहिया और वो भी चुहिया मरी हुवी.  परेशान स्पीक एशियन्स तो है पर ऊस से अधिक परेशान ईओW और मुंबई पोलीस है जो नाक रगड़ने के बाद भी  कुछ प्रूफ नही जुटा पा रही है स्पीक एशिया के अगेन्स्ट. परेशान ना हो, चुप-छाप तमाशा देखते रहो इन बेईमानोको क्योकि जैसे जैसे बांग्लादेश मे स्पीक एशिया का काम सुरू होने के खबर आएगी वैसे वैसे ये बेईमान और भी रंग दिखलाएँगे और बदहवासी मे पागल हो जाएँगे.

---------------------------------    झलक इंडिया (मुंबई)    ------------------------
News Source :- The Bhaskar

Speak Asia News 24x7 Dated :- 02 October 2011